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1,661 results

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1. Disability and Inclusive Education: Stocktake of Education Sector Plans and GPE-Funded Grants. Working Paper #3

2. Quality of Literature Review and Discussion of Findings in Selected Papers on Integration of ICT in Teaching, Role of Mentors, and Teaching Science through Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)

3. Preliminary Investigation of the Abuse of Girls in Zimbabwean Junior Secondary Schools. Education Research Paper. Knowledge & Research.

4. Vocational Education and Training in Tanzania and Zimbabwe in the Context of Economic Reform. Education Research Paper.

5. Promoting Girls' Education in Africa: The Design and Implementation of Policy Interventions. Education Research Paper.

6. Women and Literacy Development in the Third World. Papers Presented at an International Seminar on Women and Literacy Development--Constraints and Prospects (Linkoping, Sweden, August 1991).

7. School-Based Understanding of Human Rights in Four Countries: A Commonwealth Study. Education Research Paper.

8. Implementing Educational Policies in Zimbabwe. World Bank Discussion Papers No. 91. Africa Technical Department Series.

9. Youth in Transition: Exploring a Life Course Perspective on Leaving Care in Africa

10. The Impact of Female Schooling on Fertility and Contraceptive Use: A Study of Fourteen Sub-Saharan Countries. Living Standards Measurement Study Working Paper No. 110.

11. The Role of Local Government in the Provision of Schooling: Experiences from Four Developing Countries. EPU Working Paper No. 9.

12. Improving the Quality of Basic Education, Volume 8. Country Papers: Nigeria, St. Lucia, Tanzania, Zimbabwe. Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers (11th, Barbados, October 29-November 2, 1990).

13. Quality Assurance Challenges and Opportunities Faced by Private Universities in Zimbabwe

14. Critical Determinants for Learning Analytics Adoption in Higher Education

15. Nurturing Learners' Research Skills through Project-Based Learning: A Capability Approach Traversing Three Countries

16. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Blended Learning in Learning Business Courses in Low-Income Economies

17. Perceptions and Experiences of Teachers in Zimbabwe on Inclusive Education and Teacher Training: The Value of 'Unhu/Ubuntu' Philosophy

18. Fieldwork from A-Z? Exploring Shifting Identities in Doctoral Research in Australia and Zimbabwe

19. Building Creative Capacities through Art Teacher Education in Zimbabwe

20. Pre-Service Teachers' Self-Concept and Views toward Using ICT for Teaching Science

21. An Analysis of Errors for Pre-Service Teachers in First Order Ordinary Differential Equations

22. Ubuntu: The Pursuit of an Indigenous Curriculum Reform Policy in Post-Colonial Lesotho, Zimbabwe and South Africa

23. Towards the Next Epoch of Education. BCES Conference Books, Volume 20

24. What Now for the Zimbabwean Student Demonstrator? Online Activism and Its Challenges for University Students in a COVID-19 Lockdown

25. Secondary School Students' Perceptions of the 21st-Century 4Cs in Zimbabwe

26. Information Literacy and Its Link to Evidence-Informed Policymaking in Zimbabwe

27. Quality Orientation in the University Communities in Zimbabwe

28. Conceptional Framework for Implementing and Assessing an Introductory Module in Information Communication Technologies at HEIs

29. Teachers' Life-History Narratives and Reform Policy Implementation at Classroom Level

30. Decolonising the Zimbabwean Ordinary Level Food Technology and Design Curriculum

31. A Decolonial Reading of the History Curriculum: Towards Undoing 'Historicide' for Curricular Justice for the Zimbabwean Learner

32. 'Exploring Unchartered Territories': Fieldwork Experiences from Researching Street Traders

33. Experiences of Teachers and Learners Who Are Left-Behind in Zimbabwe by Emigrating Parents: An Inclusive Education Perspective

34. 'The Spirit Is Willing, but the Content Is Weak?' Enacting the Mother Tongue Policy in Teaching Information and Communication Technology to Preschoolers in Zimbabwe

35. 'The Unofficial Curriculum Is Where the Real Teaching Takes Place': Faculty Experiences of Decolonising the Curriculum in Africa

36. A Landscape View of Emerging Sustainability Responses within VET

37. Agricultural Vocational Education and Training for Sustainable Futures: Responsiveness to the Climate and Economic Crisis in Zimbabwe

38. Academia's Engagement with Sustainable Development Goals: Status Quo and Barriers at Great Zimbabwe University

39. Using Founder's Syndrome to Explore Leadership in One Zimbabwean School Funded by Tourism

40. The Industrial Attachment Programme -- History, Benefits, Challenges and Its Adoption in Zimbabwe: A Review

41. Educational Reforms Worldwide. BCES Conference Books, Volume 18

42. Putting the Cart before the Horse: Curriculum Reform Policy and Teachers' Pedagogical Preferences

43. The Zimbabwean University under Authoritarian Neoliberalism

44. Citizenship Formation through Curriculum and Pedagogical Practices: Evidence from Two Zimbabwean Teachers' Colleges

45. Indigenous Artefacts and Physics Curriculum: Teaching Science as a Cultural Way of Knowing

46. State-Based Curriculum Making in a Post Colonial Zimbabwe: Making Sense of Family, Religious and Moral Education in a Global Context

47. Examination Mafiarisation, and the Contradictions of Performativity in Zimbabwe: A Quest for Rebalancing Pedagogy

48. Breaking the Cycle of Poverty through Early Literacy Support and Teacher Empowerment in Early Childhood Education

49. A Technology of the Self and the Other: A Case Study on Disabled Body Politics among University Students

50. Instructional Leadership in Sub-Saharan Africa: Policy and Practice