
Showing total 63 results
63 results

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1. Spending More on the Poor? A Comprehensive Summary of State-Specific Responses to School Finance Reforms from 1990-2014. CEPA Working Paper No. 19-01

2. Optimizing Reverse Transfer Policies and Processes: Lessons from Twelve CWID States. Thought Paper

3. A Human Capital Framework for a Stronger Teacher Workforce. Advancing Teaching--Improving Learning. White Paper

4. Where Has the Money Been Going? A Preliminary Update. EPI Briefing Paper #281

5. Can Online Learning Reproduce the Full College Experience? Center for Policy Innovation Discussion Paper. Number 3

6. Learning about Teaching: Initial Findings from the Measures of Effective Teaching Project. Research Paper. MET Project

7. Learning from the Successes and Failures of Charter Schools. Discussion Paper 2012-06

8. Factors Related to Academic Outcomes of Mexican American and American Indian Students in Doctoral Programs. ASHE Annual Meeting Paper.

9. Toward the Big Blur: State Governance of a Unified Education-to-Workforce System That Works for Everyone

10. An Examination of Skill Requirements for Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Job Advertisements

11. Communities of Practice: Improving Equity and Opportunity through Postsecondary Data

12. Better Together: Building Local Systems to Improve Afterschool (A Conference Report)

13. For or against Children? The Problematic History of Stand for Children

14. Outcomes-Based Funding: Taking Stock

15. Examining Self-Efficacy of FCS Teachers Following the COVID-19 Modality Switch

16. Measuring Forward: Emerging Trends in K-12 Assessment Innovation

17. Early College for All: Efforts to Scale up Early Colleges in Multiple Settings

18. Workforce Results Matter: 'The Critical Role of Employment Outcome Data in Improving Transparency of Postsecondary Education and Training'

19. Meeting the Challenges of Fiscal and Programmatic Sustainability: Lessons from Teacher Incentive Fund Grantees. The Harvesting Project

20. Learning Time in America: Trends to Reform the American School Calendar--A Snapshot of Federal, State, and Local Action

21. Futures Bound: Re-Designing Literacy Research as a Conduit for Healing and Civic Dreaming

22. State Growth Models for School Accountability: Progress on Development and Reporting Measures of Student Growth

23. Doing Democracy: How a Network of Grassroots Organizations Is Strengthening Community, Building Capacity, and Shaping a New Kind of Civic Education

24. Brick and Click Libraries: Proceedings of an Academic Library Symposium (9th, Maryville, Missouri, November 6, 2009)

25. What Works for Latino Students in Higher Education: 2009 Compendium--Profiles of Selected Programs. Examples of iExcelencia!

26. What Works for Latino Students in Higher Education: 2008 Compendium--Profiles of Selected Programs. Examples of iExcelencia!

27. College Admission Requirements: A New Role for States.

28. The Role of Finance Reform in Comprehensive Service Initiatives.

29. Planning and Designing Academic Library Learning Spaces: Expert Perspectives of Architects, Librarians, and Library Consultants. Project Information Literacy Research Report. The Practitioner Series

30. Marketing Education National Research Conference Report (Appalachicola, Florida, April 3-5, 1992).

31. A Six Year Trajectory toward Better Biliteracy: Results of a Paired Literacy Program for Emerging Bilingual Students

32. The National Schools to Watch Initiative: Characteristics and Implementation Levels of Successful Middle-Level Schools

33. Constitutional Obligations for Public Education. 50-State Review

34. State of the States 2014

35. Finding Space: Charter Schools in District-Owned Facilities

36. Measuring the Alignment between States' Finance and Accountability Policies: The Opportunity Gap

37. Does Evidence Matter? An Analysis of Evidence Use in Performance-Funding Policy Design

38. Modelling Transformations of Quadratic Functions: A Proposal of Inductive Inquiry

39. Using Assessment Results: Promising Practices of Institutions That Do It Well

40. Planning for Your Second Accounting Job

41. Gathering Feedback for Teaching: Combining High-Quality Observations with Student Surveys and Achievement Gains. Policy and Practice Summary. MET Project

42. An (Updated) Primer on Virtual Charter Schools: Mapping the Electronic Frontier. Authorizing Matters. Issue Brief. NACSA Cyber Series

43. Evidence Based Education Request Desk. EBE #833A

44. Accelerating the Academic Achievement of Students Referred to Developmental Education. CCRC Brief. Number 55

45. Computational Thinking Patterns

46. Operating Efficiencies at Some UC and CSU Comparator Universities. Report 11-03

47. Blazing New Trails: Preparing Leaders to Improve Access and Equity in Today's Schools. The 2011 Yearbook of the National Council of Professors of Educational Administration

48. Learning about Teaching: Initial Findings from the Measures of Effective Teaching Project. Policy Brief. MET Project

49. Creating Reports Using Longitudinal Data: How States Can Present Information to Support Student Learning and School System Improvement

50. America's Best (and Worst) Cities for School Reform: Attracting Entrepreneurs and Change Agents