
Showing total 161 results
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1. RESEARCH PAPER Adequacy of support for new graduates during their transition into the workplace: A Queensland, Australia study.

2. Regeneration and 'Placemaking' without Governance in a Greyfield Context: The Transformation of Salisbury, Queensland, Australia.

3. The (im)possibility of breaking the cycle of rippling circularities affecting Australian language education programs: a Queensland example.

4. Daughter of the Sun.

5. Indigenous protected areas in Sea Country: Indigenous‐driven collaborative marine protected areas in Australia.

6. A Grave Situation: Burial Practices among the Chinese Diaspora in Queensland, Australia (ca.1870–1930).

7. Read all About it!: Print Media Coverage of Climate Change Issues in Australia.

8. Finance's Social License? Sugar, Farmland and Health.

9. Who kept travelling and where did they go? Domestic travel by residents of SE Queensland, Australia.

10. Deliberate disproportionate policy outcomes and regulating deforestation in Queensland, Australia.

11. Spatio‐Temporal Variation in the Bid–Rent Functions of Long‐Term and Short‐Term Rentals: Evidence from South‐East Queensland, Australia.

12. The profile, clinical characteristics, and outcomes of alcohol- and non-alcohol-related patient presentations to Queensland emergency departments: a multi-site observational study.

13. A baseline profile of the Queensland Cardiac Record Linkage Cohort (QCard) study.

14. Interstitial Space and Everyday Housing Practices.

15. Unneighbourliness and the Unmaking of Home.

16. Addressing Institutional Racism Against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders of Australia in Mainstream Health Services: Insights From Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services.

17. Additional notes on the Mount Morgan dinosaur tracks from the Lower Jurassic (Sinemurian) Razorback beds, Queensland, Australia.

18. Understanding vehicle crashes in work zones: Analysis of workplace health and safety data as an alternative to police-reported crash data in Queensland, Australia.

19. Understanding the public's response towards 'enhanced water recovery' in the Great Artesian Basin (Australia) using the carbon capture and storage process.

20. Estimating current and historical groundwater abstraction from the Great Artesian Basin and other regional-scale aquifers in Queensland, Australia.

21. Mobility as a service in community transport in Australia: Can it provide a sustainable future?

22. First Nations Perspectives in Law-Making About Voluntary Assisted Dying.

23. Euryhaliotrema spp. (Monogenoidea: Dactylogyridae) Parasitic on the Gill Lamellae of Perciform Fishes in Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia, with the Description of Euryhaliotrema solenophallus sp. nov. from the Silver Moony Monodactylus argenteus (Linnaeus) (Monodactylidae)

24. Factors affecting general practitioners' decisions to adopt new prescription drugs - cohort analyses using Australian longitudinal physician survey data.

25. Responding to health literacy of refugees in Australian primary health care settings: a qualitative study of barriers and potential solutions.

26. Dilemmas of the activist-researcher: Balancing militant ethnography, security culture, and reflexive ethics in Australia.

27. Reappraisal of sauropod dinosaur diversity in the Upper Cretaceous Winton Formation of Queensland, Australia, through 3D digitisation and description of new specimens.


29. Complex and underreported? A study into the prevalence of suicide by motor vehicle in the state of Queensland.

30. Does use of computer technology for perinatal data collection influence data quality?

31. Review of community facilities in Australian retirement villages: A content analysis.

32. Flood Hazard Assessment in Australian Tropical Cyclone-Prone Regions.

33. Doing Business: Chinese and European Socioeconomic Relations in Early Cooktown.

34. Mount Shamrock: A Symbiosis of Mine and Settlement.

35. Living without fruit flies: biosecuring horticulture and its markets.

36. Research capacity and culture in podiatry: early observations within Queensland Health.

37. Sexuality education school policy for Australian GLBTIQ students.

38. Implications of emergent risk for application of risk transfer mechanisms by local governments in Queensland.

39. Sports sponsorship as an IMC tool: An Australian sponsor's perspective.

40. Late Quaternary shedding of shallow-marine carbonate along a tropical mixed siliciclastic–carbonate shelf: Great Barrier Reef, Australia.

41. Oral cancer survival and marital status: observations from an Australian population.

42. Hydrogeochemical evolution of the shallow and deep basaltic aquifers in Tamborine Mountain, Queensland (Australia).

43. Geospatial distribution of tertiary hospitals across Australian cities.

44. Understanding people who volunteer with marine turtles: motives and values for engagement in conservation.

45. Host Specificity in Canopy Nesting Forms of Ochrogaster lunifer : The Larger Children Do Not Care.

46. Tropical cyclone multi-hazard risk mapping for Queensland, Australia.

47. Using Gini decomposition to explore the multidimensionality of spatial dispersal for tourism promotion – the case of outgoing passengers in Queensland, Australia.

48. Madden–Julian Oscillation Impacts on Australian Temperatures and Extremes.

49. An Evaluation of Citizen Science Smartphone Apps for Inland Water Quality Assessment.

50. Dietary intake and educational outcomes among Australian university students: cross-sectional and longitudinal associations.