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2. Immigration and welfare magnets.

3. The educational attainment of immigrants: trends and implications.

4. The changing skill of new immigrants to the United States: recent trends and their determinants.

5. Primary, return and onward migration in the U.S. and Canada: is there a difference?

6. How much do immigration and trade affect labor market outcomes?

7. The effect of migration on ages at vital events: a critique of family reconstitution in historical demography.

9. Is the new immigration less skilled than the old?

11. Patterns of net migration by age for U.S. counties 1950-1980: the impact of increasing spatial differentiation by life cycle.

12. Migration of highly-skilled workers: personal perspectives.

13. Understanding US Immigration Detention: Reaffirming Rights and Addressing Social-Structural Determinants of Health.

14. Migration to the US among rural Puerto Ricans who inject drugs: influential factors, sources of support, and challenges for harm reduction interventions.

15. Undocumented Patients in the Emergency Department: Challenges and Opportunities.

16. Understanding age variations in the migrant mortality advantage: An international comparative perspective.

17. Immigrants in the one percent: The national origin of top wealth owners.

19. The emergence of regional immigrant concentrations in USA and Australia: a spatial relatedness approach.

20. Migration within China and from China to the USA: the effects of migration networks, selectivity, and the rural political economy in Fujian Province.

21. Leprosy and stigma in the context of international migration.

22. Immigrant residential segregation in U.S. metropolitan areas, 1990-2000.

23. Moving and union dissolution.

24. Different subjects: the health care system's participation in the differential construction of the cultural citizenship of Cuban refugees and Mexican immigrants.

25. Immigration and males' earnings inequality in the regions of the United States.

26. On the auspices of female migration from Mexico to the United States.

27. The impact of immigration on the internal migration of natives and immigrants.

28. You can go home again: evidence from longitudinal data.

29. Geographic mobility of the foreign-born Chinese in large metropolises, 1985-1990.

30. Undocumented workers in the labor market: an analysis of the earnings of legal and illegal Mexican immigrants in the United States.

31. Language skills and earnings among legalized aliens.

32. Adolescent obesity increases significantly in second and third generation U.S. immigrants: the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health.

33. When immigrants are not migrants: counting arrivals of the foreign born using the U.S. census.

34. Measuring spatial focusing in a migration system.

35. Measuring immigrant wage growth using matched CPS files.

36. The number of Israeli immigrants in the United States in 1990.

37. The linkage between immigration and internal migration in large metropolitan areas in the United States.

38. Transnationalism and vocabularies of motive in international migration: the case of Israelis in the United States.

39. Migration and premarital childbearing among Puerto Rican Women.

40. Contemporary American attitudes toward U.S. immigration.

41. Estimates of net migration by age at migration from pairs of enumerations of the foreign born: United States, 1880-1930.

42. Unauthorized immigration to the United States.

43. Political instability and illegal immigration.

44. On the measurement of naturalization.

45. Labor market effects of immigration in the United States and Europe: substitution vs. complementarity.

46. Immigrant skills and ethnic spillovers.

47. Monitoring international migration flows in Europe. Towards a statistical data base combining data from different sources.

48. Current trends and patterns of female migration: evidence from Mexico.

49. Earnings adjustment of temporary migrants.

50. The internal migration and spatial redistribution of the foreign-born population in the United States: 1965-70 and 1975-80.