
Showing total 18 results
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1. The Higher Education White Paper: The Good, the Bad, the Unspeakable - and the Next White Paper1 The Higher Education White Paper: The Good, the Bad, the Unspeakable - and the Next White Paper.

2. Assessing pupils at the age of 16 in England – approaches for effective examinations.

3. Person‐centred practices in education: a systematic review of research.

4. Robbins Remembered and Dismembered, Contextualising the Anniversary.

5. Knowledge, education and research: Making common cause across communities of practice.

6. International instructional systems: How England measures up.

7. Performance Management and the Stifling of Academic Freedom and Knowledge Production.

8. Reforming higher specialist training in the United Kingdom – a step along the continuum of medical education.

9. Changing policy, legislation and its effects on inclusive and special education: a perspective from Wales.

10. Curriculum and assessment reform gone wrong: the perfect storm of GCSE English.

11. Time for curriculum reform: the case of mathematics.

12. Changing Internal Governance: Are Leadership Roles and Management Structures in United Kingdom Universities Fit for the Future?

13. Adapting Higher Education through Changes in Academic Work.

14. Schools for the twenty-first century: school design and educational transformation.

15. The Enemies of Promise: Labour's Long War against Education.

16. Project 2000: a review of published research.

17. Nursing for change: the orientations and values of Project 2000 diploma and undergraduate nursing students.

18. Growing Pains: The Dearing Report from a European Perspective.