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1. North coast Algerian rainfall monthly trend analysis using innovative polygon trend analysis (IPTA).

2. Complexity analysis of the air temperature and the precipitation time series in Serbia.

3. Uncertainties in European summer precipitation changes: role of large scale circulation.

4. Rain and museum attendance: Are daily data fine enough?

5. Atmospheric Blockings in Western Siberia. Part 2. Long-term Variations in Blocking Frequency and Their Relation with Climatic Variability over Asia.

6. Compound summer temperature and precipitation extremes over central Europe.

7. Potential consequences of projected climate change impacts on hydroelectricity generation.

9. A dataset of future daily weather data for crop modelling over Europe derived from climate change scenarios.

10. The utility of seasonal hindcast database for the analysis of climate variability: an example.

11. West African monsoon decadal variability and surface-related forcings: second West African Monsoon Modeling and Evaluation Project Experiment (WAMME II).

12. Mid- and late-Holocene vegetation history, climate and human impact in the forest-steppe ecotone of European Russia: new data and a regional synthesis.

13. Modulation of soil moisture-precipitation interactions over France by large scale circulation.

14. Observed climate variability and change in Urmia Lake Basin, Iran.

15. Robust assessment of the time of emergence of precipitation change in West Africa.

16. Drought assessment of southwestern China based on HadGEM2-ES model under representative concentration pathway 4.5 scenario.

17. Projected changes in extreme precipitation events over various subdivisions of India using RegCM4.

18. Precipitation seesaw phenomenon and its formation mechanism in the eastern and western parts of Northwest China during the flood season.

19. Spatial distribution regularity and influence factors of population density in the LRGR.

20. Analysis of monthly, winter, and annual temperatures in Zagreb, Croatia, from 1864 to 2010: the 7.7-year cycle and the North Atlantic Oscillation.

21. Toward parsimonious modeling of frequency of areal runoff from heavy-to-extreme precipitation in large urban areas under changing conditions: a derived moment approach.

22. Precipitation trend and concentration in the Sardinia region.

23. Possible teleconnections between East and South Asian summer monsoon precipitation in projected future climate change.

24. Dissolved organic carbon in permafrost regions: A review.

25. Observed changes in extremes of daily rainfall and temperature in Jemma Sub-Basin, Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia.

26. Spatio-temporal changes in atmospheric precipitation over south-western Poland between the periods 1891-1930 and 1981-2010.

27. Winter North Atlantic Oscillation impact on European precipitation and drought under climate change.

28. Quantifying the sources of uncertainty in an ensemble of hydrological climate-impact projections.

29. Evaluation of the empirical-statistical downscaling method EPISODES.

30. Evaluation of precipitation effects on groundwater levels in a Mediterranean alluvial plain based on hydrogeological conceptualization.

31. Links between topography, moisture fluxes pathways and precipitation over South America.

32. Analysis of non-stationary climate-related extreme events considering climate change scenarios: an application for multi-hazard assessment in the Dar es Salaam region, Tanzania.

33. The Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture: Findings from Households in Vietnam.

34. Responses of runoff to climate change and human activities in the Ebinur Lake Catchment, western China.

35. Stratospheric ozone depletion: a key driver of recent precipitation trends in South Eastern South America.

36. Potential impacts of climate change on agricultural land use suitability of the Hungarian counties.

37. Efficiency assessment of the energy consumption and economic indicators in Beijing under the influence of short-term climatic factors: based on data envelopment analysis methodology.

38. How do weather characteristics change in a warming climate?

39. Changes in weather and climate extremes: phenomenology and empirical approaches.

40. Role of resolution in regional climate change projections over China.

41. Seasonal Forecasts of the Summer 2016 Yangtze River Basin Rainfall.

42. Assessing Global Warming Induced Changes in Summer Rainfall Variability over Eastern China Using the Latest Hadley Centre Climate Model HadGEM3-GC2.

43. Association analysis between spatiotemporal variation of vegetation greenness and precipitation/temperature in the Yangtze River Basin (China).

44. Assessing climate change adaptation strategies—the case of drought and heat wave in the French nuclear sector.

45. Control of radiation and evaporation on temperature variability in a WRF regional climate simulation: comparison with colocated long term ground based observations near Paris.

46. An Asymmetric Spatiotemporal Connection between the Euro-Atlantic Blocking within the NAO Life Cycle and European Climates.

47. Perceptions of seasonal weather are linked to beliefs about global climate change: evidence from Norway.

48. Reconstruction of Climate of the Eemian Interglacial Using an Earth System Model. Part L Set-up of Numerical Experiments and Model Fields of Surface Air Temperature and Precipitation Sums.

49. Alternative Trend Analysis: Half Time Series Methodology.

50. Three-dimensional fusion of spaceborne and ground radar reflectivity data using a neural network-based approach.