
Showing total 34 results
34 results

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1. Population resistance to climate change: modelling the effects of low recruitment in open populations.

2. The role of monsoon-driven oceanographic variability in recruitment patterns of key intertidal space occupiers on tropical rocky shores on the west coast of Thailand, Indian Ocean.

3. Establishing a governance threshold in small-scale fisheries to achieve sustainability.

4. Antifouling coating based on biopolymers (PCL/ PLA) and bioactive extract from the sea cucumber Stichopus herrmanni.

5. Ontogenic phototactic behaviors of larval stages in intertidal barnacles.

6. Darwin's "Beloved Barnacles": Tough Lessons in Variation.

7. Effects of sponge and barnacle encrustation on survival of the scallop Chlamys hastata.

8. Modelling influences of local and climatic factors on the occurrence and abundance of non-marine ostracods (Crustacea: Ostracoda) across Patagonia (Argentina).

9. Accelerated corrosion of marine-grade steel by a redox-active, cysteine-rich barnacle cement protein.

10. Chitin is a functional component of the larval adhesive of barnacles.

11. Characterization and assessment of barnacle larval settlement-inducing activity of extracellular polymeric substances isolated from marine biofilm bacteria.

12. Role of epibiotic diatoms isolated from the barnacle shell in the cyprid metamorphosis of Balanus amphitrite.

13. Trace element accumulation in the shell of the Arctic cirriped Balanus balanus.

14. Local consumers are the first line to control biological invasions: a case of study with the whelk Stramonita haemastoma (Gastropoda: Muricidae).

15. In vivo and in situ synchrotron radiation-based μ-XRF reveals elemental distributions during the early attachment phase of barnacle larvae and juvenile barnacles.

16. Fluctuations in settlement and survival of a barnacle Semibalanus balanoides in the White Sea intertidal.

17. Patterns of substrata use by the invasive acorn barnacle Balanus glandula in Patagonian salt marshes.

18. Non-linear density-dependent effects of an intertidal ecosystem engineer.

19. NMR Assignment of the Barnacle Cement Protein Mrcp-20k.

20. High-throughput SEM preparation of proteinaceaous extracellular matrix.

21. Fluctuating asymmetry of Amphibalanus ( Balanus) amphitrite (Cirripedia: Thoracica) in association with shore height and metal pollution.

22. Barnacle fouling impedes the gaseous exchange and food production of the mangroves Kandelia obovata, a dominant mangrove species in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

23. Modeling variation in interaction strength between barnacles and fucoids.

24. Trends in abundance of rocky intertidal seaweeds and filter feeders across gradients of elevation, wave exposure, and ice scour in eastern Canada.

25. Effect of depth and reef structure on early macrobenthic communities of the Algarve artificial reefs (southern Portugal).

26. Intertidal and Subtidal Fouling Assemblages in a Patagonian Harbour (Argentina, Southwest Atlantic).

27. Distribution and Abundance of Fauna on Living Tissues of Two Brazilian Hermatypic Corals ( Mussismilia hispida (Verril 1902) and Siderastrea stellata Verril, 1868).

28. Thoracic outlet syndrome: Presentation and management.

29. Metazooplankton dynamics in the Salton Sea, California, 1997-1999.

30. Nutritional interaction in an alga-barnacle association.

31. Hydrodynamic consequences of barnacle colonization.

32. Do barnacle larvae respond to multiple settlement cues over a range of spatial scales?

33. Biomaterials: Barnacles help battle biofilms.