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1. Considering change with archaeological data: Reevaluating local variation in the role of the ~4.2k BP event in Northwest China.

2. Analysis of relationship between soil erosion and lake deposition during the Holocene in Xingyun Lake, southwestern China.

3. Population history and its relationship with climate change on the Chinese Loess Plateau during the past 10,000 years.

4. Evolution of human–environmental interactions in China from the Late Paleolithic to the Bronze Age.

5. Migration of Neolithic settlements in the Dongting Lake area of the middle Yangtze River basin, China: Lake-level and monsoon climate responses.

6. Response of karst springs to climate change and anthropogenic activities: the Niangziguan Springs, China.

7. A transfer-function model developed from an extensive surface-pollen data set in northern China and its potential for palaeoclimate reconstructions.

8. Holocene climatic and environmental changes in the arid and semi-arid areas of China: a review.

9. Modern pollen-based interpretations of mid-Holocene palaeoclimate (8500 to 3000 cal. BP) at the southern margin of the Tengger Desert, northwestern China.

10. The mid-Holocene decline of the East Asian summer monsoon indicated by a lake-to-wetland transition in the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China.

11. How did the top two greenhouse gas emitters depict climate change? A comparative analysis of the Chinese and US media.

12. On cultural studies, again.

13. Holocene peatland initiation and carbon storage in temperate peatlands of the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China.

14. Indicator pollen taxa of human-induced and natural vegetation in Northern China.

15. Mid-Holocene bottleneck for central European dry grasslands: Did steppe survive the forest optimum in northern Bohemia, Czech Republic?

16. Oasis evolution processes and mechanisms in the lower reaches of Heihe River, Inner Mongolia, China since 1 ka ago.

17. Mid- to late-Holocene East Asian summer monsoon variability recorded in lacustrine sediments from Jingpo Lake, Northeastern China.

18. Climate change and fiscal balance in China over the past two millennia.

19. Diatom response to Asian monsoon variability during the Late Glacial to Holocene in a small treeline lake, SW China.

20. Chironomid-inferred environmental change over the past 1400 years in the shallow, eutrophic Taibai Lake (south-east China): Separating impacts of climate and human activity.

21. Wildfire history and climatic change in the semi-arid loess tableland in the middle reaches of the Yellow River of China during the Holocene: Evidence from charcoal records.

22. Vegetation history and dynamics in the middle reach of the Yangtze River during the last 1500 years revealed by sedimentary records from Taibai Lake, China.

23. Mid-Holocene variability of the East Asian monsoon based on bulk organic δ13C and C/N records from the Pearl River estuary, southern China.

24. Sedimentary records of extraordinary floods at the ending of the mid-Holocene climatic optimum along the Upper Weihe River, China.

25. Variations in spruce (Picea sp.) distribution in the Chinese Loess Plateau and surrounding areas during the Holocene.

26. Holocene climatic changes revealed by aeolian deposits from the Qinghai Lake area (northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau) and possible forcing mechanisms.

27. Centennial- to decadal-scale monsoon precipitation variability in the semi-humid region, northern China during the last 1860 years: Records from stalagmites in Huangye Cave.

28. Spatial and temporal patterns of variations in tree growth over the northeastern Tibetan Plateau during the period AD 1450-2001.

29. Holocene environmental variations recorded by organic-related and carbonate-related proxies of the lacustrine sediments from Bosten Lake, northwestern China.

30. Holocene land-cover changes on the Tibetan Plateau.

31. Historical records of San Rafael glacier advances (North Patagonian Icefield): another clue to 'Little Ice Age' timing in southern Chile?

32. Tree-ring evidence of 'Little Ice Age' glacier advances in southern Tibet.

33. Optical dating of Holocene dune sands rom the Hulun Buir Desert, northeastern China.

34. The Holocene vegetation history of Lake Erhai, Yunnan province southwestern China: the role of climate and human forcings.

35. A 6000-year high-resolution climatic record from a stalagmite in Xiangshui Cave, Guilin, China.

36. Winter half-year temperature reconstruction for the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River and Yangtze River, China, during the past 2000 years.