
Showing total 1,028 results
1,028 results

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1. Determination of rainfall thresholds for shallow landslides by a probabilistic and empirical method.

2. Impacts of droughts on carbon sequestration by China's terrestrial ecosystems from 2000 to 2011.

3. Decoupling of above and belowground C and N pools within predominant plant species Stipa grandis along a precipitation gradient in Chinese steppe zone.

4. Effects of precipitation on soil respiration and its temperature/moisture sensitivity in three subtropical forests in Southern China.

5. Characteristic of regional groundwater flow system: case modeling study in Longzici karst spring area, North China.

6. Influential factors and spatial–temporal distribution of tuberculosis in mainland China.

7. Runoff Prediction Under Extreme Precipitation and Corresponding Meteorological Conditions.

8. Risk zoning of typhoon disasters in Zhejiang Province, China.

9. Correction to: Is long-term climate memory important in temperature/precipitation predictions over China?

10. Statistical analysis of cloud characteristics in Northwest China based on Fengyun satellite data.

11. Characteristics of the Rongcheng Bulge Geothermal Field and the Evolution of Geothermal Fluids, Xiong'an New Area, China.

12. Oilfield Water and Favorable Petroleum Exploration Targets for the Triassic Baikouquan Formation in the Slope of Mahu Depression, Junggar Basin.


14. Characteristics of Stable Isotopes in Precipitation and Their Moisture Sources in the Guanling Region, Guizhou Province.

15. Study on the PTX Parameters and Fractal Characteristics of Ore-Forming Fluids in the East Ore Section of the Pulang Copper Deposit, Southwest China.

16. Meteorological drought in the Beijiang River basin, South China: current observations and future projections.

17. Drought assessment of southwestern China based on HadGEM2-ES model under representative concentration pathway 4.5 scenario.

18. A new temporal prediction method of grazing pressure based on normalized difference vegetation index and precipitation using nonlinear autoregressive with exogenous input networks.

19. The roles of moisture transports in intraseasonal precipitation during the preflood season over South China.

20. A decision‐tree approach to seasonal prediction of extreme precipitation in eastern China.

21. Intensifying effects of El Niño events on winter precipitation extremes in southeastern China.

22. Spatial and Temporal Variations in Precipitation Amount, Frequency, Intensity, and Persistence in China, 1973-2016.

23. Characteristics and circulation background of extreme precipitation over East China.

24. Merging ground and satellite-based precipitation data sets for improved hydrological simulations in the Xijiang River basin of China.

25. Spatiotemporal characteristics of precipitation concentration and the possible links of precipitation to monsoons in China from 1960 to 2015.

26. Utilizing Precipitation and Spring Discharge Data to Identify Groundwater Quick Flow Belts in a Karst Spring Catchment.

27. A Review of Spatial Variation of Inorganic Nitrogen (N) Wet Deposition in China.

28. Comprehending Spatial Distribution and Controlling Mechanisms of Groundwater in Topical Coastal Aquifers of Southern China Based on Hydrochemical Evaluations.

29. Molybdenum Mineralization in Eastern Hebei, China: Evidence from Geochronology and Isotopic Composition.

30. Impact of urbanization on flood of Shigu creek in Dongguan city.

31. An improved self-consistent approach to attenuation correction for C-band polarimetric radar measurements and its impact on quantitative precipitation estimation.

32. Interdecadal Change in the Intensity of Interannual Variation of Spring Precipitation over Southern China and Possible Reasons.


34. Decisive Atmospheric Circulation Indices for July–August Precipitation in North China Based on Tree Models.

35. Evaluation of the effects of a multiphysics ensemble on the simulation of an extremely hot summer in 2003 over the CORDEX‐EA‐II region.

36. A Process-Oriented Method for Tracking Rainstorms with a Time-Series of Raster Datasets.

37. Possible teleconnections between East and South Asian summer monsoon precipitation in projected future climate change.

38. A two stage Bayesian stochastic optimization model for cascaded hydropower systems considering varying uncertainty of flow forecasts.

39. "Grain for Green" driven land use change and carbon sequestration on the Loess Plateau, China.

40. Responses of runoff to climate change and human activities in the Ebinur Lake Catchment, western China.

41. Efficiency assessment of the energy consumption and economic indicators in Beijing under the influence of short-term climatic factors: based on data envelopment analysis methodology.

42. Different impacts of various El Niño events on the Indian Ocean Dipole.

43. Rainfall Event–Duration Thresholds for Landslide Occurrences in China.

44. Daily SPEI Reveals Long-term Change in Drought Characteristics in Southwest China.

45. The NUIST Earth System Model (NESM) version 3: description and preliminary evaluation.

46. The Spatiotemporal Variations of Runoff in the Yangtze River Basin under Climate Change.

47. A Novel Flood Forecasting Method Based on Initial State Variable Correction.

48. Analysis of future drought characteristics in China using the regional climate model CCLM.

49. A case study of the Yanshanian fluorite mineralization in South China: Fluid inclusion, element and isotope geochemistry and zircon U-Pb geochronology of the Kantian fluorite deposit in southern Jiangxi Province.

50. Characteristics of consecutive dry days variations in China.