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3,636 results

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201. AG codes from Fq7-rational points of the GK maximal curve.

202. Fragmentation, metalinguistic ignorance, and logical omniscience.

203. The Skies Are Falling: Mathematics for Non-Mathematicians.

204. Primary School Mathematics in the Context of Digitalization.

205. The Best Extending Cover-preserving Geometric Lattices of Semimodular Lattices.

206. The Baer–Suzuki Theorem for Groups of 3-Exponent 1.

207. Grounding, Well-Foundedness, and Terminating Chains.

208. Student noticing of collaborative practices: exploring how college students notice during small group interactions in math.

209. Correct Bounds on the Ising Lace-Expansion Coefficients.

210. Prescribing discrete Gaussian curvature on polyhedral surfaces.

211. On the existence and non-existence of some classes of bent–negabent functions.

212. Exploring Shanghai students' mathematics learning as related to content presentation in textbooks: the case of the commutative property of addition.

213. Blow-up time estimate for porous-medium problems with gradient terms under Robin boundary conditions.

214. Complete forcing numbers of hexagonal systems II.

215. Promoting teachers' awareness about mathematics, its teaching and learning.

216. Preservice teachers' expressed awarenesses: emerging threads of retro-spection of learning and pro-spection of teaching.

217. Inference to the best explanation as supporting the expansion of mathematicians’ ontological commitments.

218. The relationship between mathematical practice and mathematics pedagogy in mathematics education research.

219. Building a completely positive factorization

220. Light cone and Weyl compatibility of conformal and projective structures.

221. Body motion, early algebra, and the colours of abstraction.

222. Reflecting on the troubling relationship between teacher knowledge and instructional quality and making a case for using an animated teaching simulation to disentangle this relationship.

223. The use and effectiveness of colorful, contextualized, student-made material for elementary mathematics instruction.

224. Results on L-functions and certain uniqueness questions of Gross.

225. Context Variation and Syntax Nuances of the Equal Sign in Elementary School Mathematics.

226. Contraband Mathematics: A Documentary Review of the Resources Available to George Green at the Nottingham Subscription Library 1823–1828.

227. Exploring STEM Pedagogy in the Mathematics Classroom: a Tool-Based Experiment Lesson on Estimation.

228. Considerations on the use of mathematics in modeling activities.

229. The Divine Fractal: 1st Order Extensional Theology.

230. Response Solutions in Degenerate Oscillators Under Degenerate Perturbations.

231. Collective or individual rationality in the Nash bargaining solution: efficiency-free characterizations.

232. Correction to "Anosov flows, growth rates on covers and group extensions of subshifts".

233. Adams operations on the twisted K-theory of compact Lie groups.

234. An exceptional property of the one-dimensional Bianchi–Egnell inequality.

235. Isoperimetric inequalities for Neumann eigenvalues on bounded domains in rank-1 symmetric spaces.

236. Kähler Geometry of Scalar Flat Metrics on Line Bundles Over Polarized Kähler–Einstein Manifolds.

237. Objects of study in research on mathematics teacher education.

238. Identification of Autism Spectrum Disorder Using Topological Data Analysis.

240. The role of digital technologies in mathematics education: purposes and perspectives.

241. Investigating item complexity as a source of cross-national DIF in TIMSS math and science.

242. Geometric Stabbing via Threshold Rounding and Factor Revealing LPs.

243. Teacher expectations and their relations with primary school students' achievement, self-concept, and anxiety in mathematics.

244. Development of Local Software for Automatic Measurement of Geometric Parameters in the Proximal Femur Using a Combination of a Deep Learning Approach and an Active Shape Model on X-ray Images.

245. Examining the relation among cost, academic emotion, and achievement in mathematics.

246. The Mathematics of Spatial Structure Evolution: Using Syntactical Data to Compare the Humble Administrator's Garden in the Sixteenth and Nineteenth Centuries.

247. Generalized Set-valued Nonlinear Variational-like Inequalities and Fixed Point Problems: Existence and Approximation Solvability Results.

248. A singular Kazdan–Warner problem on a compact Riemann surface.

249. Why do people represent time as dynamical? An investigation of temporal dynamism and the open future.

250. Learning to teach ambitiously: a multiple case study of practicing teachers' experimentation with enablers and extenders.