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106 results

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1. Polynomial stability of transmission system for coupled Kirchhoff plates.

2. Adaptive hybrid high-order method for guaranteed lower eigenvalue bounds.

3. Admissible Ordering on Monomials is Well-Founded: A Constructive Proof.

4. On restricted partitions of numbers.

5. On approximations of the PSD cone by a polynomial number of smaller-sized PSD cones.

6. The recursive quasi-orthogonal polynomial algorithm.

7. Implementable tensor methods in unconstrained convex optimization.

8. The Roller-Coaster Conjecture Revisited.

9. A Zygmund-type integral inequality for polynomials.

10. Inequalities for Rational Functions with Prescribed Poles.

11. Doubly nonnegative relaxations for quadratic and polynomial optimization problems with binary and box constraints.

12. On the functional equation f(αx+β)=f(x).

13. Markov's Theorem for Weight Functions on the Unit Circle.

14. On a new class of functional equations satisfied by polynomial functions.

15. Nonnegative and Strictly Positive Linearization of Jacobi and Generalized Chebyshev Polynomials.

16. Upper semicontinuity of attractors for nonclassical diffusion equations with arbitrary polynomial growth.

17. A unified semilocal convergence analysis of a family of iterative algorithms for computing all zeros of a polynomial simultaneously.

18. Univariate Lidstone-type multiquadric quasi-interpolants.

19. Isospectral Flows Related to Frobenius–Stickelberger–Thiele Polynomials.

20. On Decay of Solutions for a System of Coupled Viscoelastic Equations.

21. On a Problem of Erdős and Graham.

22. Characteristic Polynomials for Random Band Matrices Near the Threshold.

23. Sharing values of q-difference-differential polynomials.

24. On the certain function algebras on disks.

25. Coupled fixed-point results for T-contractions on cone metric spaces with applications.

26. Near Critical Preferential Attachment Networks have Small Giant Components.

27. On some polytopes contained in the 0, 1 hypercube that have a small Chvátal rank.

28. On optimal inequalities between three-point quadratures.

29. The Minimal and Characteristic Polyanalytic Polynomials of a Normal Matrix.

30. Tropical Effective Primary and Dual Nullstellensätze.

31. Hypergeometric Cauchy numbers and polynomials.

32. On the Permanental Polynomials of Matrices.

33. Converses of Jessen's inequality on time scales.

34. On the maximal operators of Fejér means with respect to the character system of the group of 2-adic integers in hardy spaces.

35. Unitary automorphisms of the space of Hankel matrices: II. the case of even order.

36. Regularized trace of the Dirac operator.

37. A Newman type bound for Lp[-1,1]-means of the logarithmic derivative of polynomials having all zeros on the unit circle.

38. Multisolitons are the unique constrained minimizers of the KdV conserved quantities.

39. On the arguments of the roots of the generalized Fibonacci polynomial.

40. Harmonic Index Designs in Binary Hamming Schemes.

41. A generalized variant of modified relaxed positive-semidefinite and skew-Hermitian splitting preconditioner for generalized saddle point problems.

42. Introducing lop-Kernels: A Framework for Kernelization Lower Bounds.

43. On the convergence of Lupaş (p,q)-Bernstein operators via contraction principle.

44. The green function of the discrete finite-gap one-energy two-dimensional Schrödinger operator on the quad graph.

45. Completely decomposable quotient divisible abelian groups with UA-rings of endomorphisms.

46. On the construction of functional equations with prescribed general solution.

47. Rational Lax Matrices from Antidominantly Shifted Extended Yangians: BCD Types.

48. Cyclotomic numerical semigroup polynomials with at most two irreducible factors.

49. Strong positivity for quantum theta bases of quantum cluster algebras.

50. A Note on the Uniqueness of Certain Types of Differential-Difference Polynomials.