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2,393 results

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1. The doing of Danish Upper Secondary School in 1968. Student papers as cases of negotiation surrounding the curriculum.

2. Weekly Policy Papers.

3. The scientific term paper at the Charité: a project report on concept, implementation, and students' evaluation and learning.

4. An explorative overview of basic education in Brunei Darussalam.

5. Policy pressure on partnerships: intentions, expectations and legitimisation of Norwegian educational reform policy.

6. Organisational arrangements, resources and tensions in the enactment of a renewed state curriculum: the entrepreneurial role of principals and superintendents.

7. Application of image optical processing technology based on computer vision in image simulation of oil painting teaching.

8. Study on factors influencing college students' motivation to engage with online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.

9. Historical Foundations and Educational Practices in Greek Elementary Education: A Comprehensive Overview.

10. Introduction to Special Issue: Educating Global Communicators: How Communication Scholars Create Value in Challenging Environments.

11. Weekly Policy Papers.

12. Educational Pluralism, Education Preferences, and the Origin Story of an American Movement: Congratulations to the Winners of the 2022 Patrick Wolf ISCRC Best Paper Prize.

13. Political Spectacle and the Decline of Public Education in Botswana.

14. A new mode of control: an actor–network theory account of effects of power and agency in establishing education policy.

15. "Lessons from lockdown: could pandemic schooling help change education?".

16. Contextual influences on Chinese kindergarten teachers' understandings of the theory of multiple intelligences.

17. The Importance of Adopting National Policy Papers on Dual Careers in the Field of Sport.

18. The Advanced Briish Standard Command Paper.

19. Exploring the education power in China: The basic connotation, key index, and strategic pathway.

20. The effects of international mobility on teachers' power of curriculum agency.

21. School teams' regulation strategies for dealing with school-external expectations for school improvement.

22. Policy Evaluation in Polarized Polities: The Case of Randomized Controlled Trials.

23. The Romanian education reform of 1995: ideological drifts and governance in the wake of the World Bank restructuring.

24. The crisis in education: Brian Simon's battle for comprehensive education (1970–1979).

25. The causal effect of education on women's empowerment: evidence from Kenya.

26. The Evolution of Topics and Leading Trends over the Past 15 Years of Research on the Quality of Higher Education in China: Based on Keyword Co-Occurrence Knowledge Map Analysis of the Research Papers Published from 2000 to 2014 in the CSSCI Database.

27. History of the Albanian system of education: Echoing the secret workings of national life.

28. Making the most of it: thinking about educational time with Hägglund and Levinas.

29. Kinopedagogy as non-conservative education and time as the abode of humans.

30. Christian Formation and Education in Episcopal Boarding Schools: Historical Origins, Contemporary Context, and a Proposal for Reform.

31. Developing quality culture in higher education in Taiwan: the changes within quality assurance mechanisms.

32. A glass classroom? The experiences and identities of third space women leading educational change in research-intensive universities in the UK.


34. Teaching reform of moral education based on the concept of output oriented education.

35. Falling into the gap: the coloniality of achievement gap discourses and their responses.

36. What about school principals' well-being? The role of social capital.

37. Humans in Hierarchies: Intergroup Relations in Education Reform.

38. Policy papers published last week.

39. Weekly Policy Papers.

40. The Higher Education White Paper: The Good, the Bad, the Unspeakable - and the Next White Paper1 The Higher Education White Paper: The Good, the Bad, the Unspeakable - and the Next White Paper.

41. Prompts for eco-social transformation: What environmental education can learn from transformative design.

42. Healing Schools: A Framework for Joining Trauma-Informed Care, Restorative Justice, and Multicultural Education for Whole School Reform.

43. Understanding reform discourses in complex times of change: Positions and practices of early childhood professionals from Victorian kindergarten settings.

44. Connecting rights and inequality in education: openings for change.

45. "It's a Chance, Not a Choice": Black Families, School Choice, and Gentrification in Washington, D.C.

46. Improving physical education through innovative multimedia learning platform and data-driven instruction.

47. Can adult children's education prevent parental health decline in the short term and long term? Evidence from rural China.

48. Critical discursive approaches to evaluating policy-driven testing: Social impact as a target for validation.

49. Multiple intelligences theory in Chinese kindergartens: influences on teacher implementation.

50. Bilingual education and child labor: Lessons from Peru.