
Showing total 12 results
12 results

Search Results

1. Where Are We Going with Statistical Computing? From Mathematical Statistics to Collaborative Data Science.

2. Embedded software development based on timing characteristics.

3. Women in coding boot camps: an alternative pathway to computing jobs.

4. Incremental execution of model-to-text transformations using property access traces.

5. Modeling event-based communication in component-based software architectures for performance predictions.

6. Exploring software security approaches in software development lifecycle: A systematic mapping study.

7. A Literature Review of Research in Bug Resolution: Tasks, Challenges and Future Directions.

8. Formal study of functional orbits in finite domains.

9. Effects of stability on model composition effort: an exploratory study.

10. Deriving performance-relevant infrastructure properties through model-based experiments with Ginpex.

11. Stateful component-based performance models.

12. Barriers Faced by Women in Software Development Projects.