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1. Proceedings of the Workshop on Technological Literacy and Technology Education (Taipei, Taiwan, March 4-5, 1996).

2. The Dissemination and Research of Ethical Literary Criticism and Its Development Prospects in Japan.

3. 大學人事與薪資管理制度改革之研究 ─以日本國立大學法人為例.

4. 《日本香景 100 选》的解读与拓展.

5. 日本高等教育「數理、數據科學與AI教育課程 認證制度」之背景、現狀與啟示.

6. 日本再生水利用介绍及前沿研究进展.

7. 1990年後的曰本藥物濫用防制對策.

8. 政策論述與日本少子化對策的演化.

9. 日本幼儿食育的发展历程、实施特点和经验启示.

10. 日本保健功能食品市场综合治理考察与经验借鉴.

11. 日本食物消费结构变化及对中国的启示.

12. 日本導入EMI的現況及對臺灣的啟示.

13. Mobile Communication Networks in Japan and America.

14. The Anatomy of the Regional Characteristics of Creative Techniques in Japan.

15. Comparing Media Relations in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and the United States: A Metaresearch Analysis.

16. Hua Hengfang Xisuan yizhu de Dong chuan yu yingxiang.

17. The Influence of Wuyue Culture on Prehistoric Japan.

18. "Jixhushu Suanjing": Dong'a jiaoxue guina tuili de dianfan.

19. Regional Care-centered Society within Local Revitalization in Japan: The Dialogue between Civil Economy and Civic Economy.