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1. Construction and Simulation of Frog-ways Based on Hydraulic Characteristics of Curved Channels.

2. The Combined Effect of Silicon Fertilization and Intermittent Irrigation on Rice Growth and Development.

3. Growth and Water Use between Conventional and Hybrid Rices as Impacted by Different Irrigations.

4. 基于 Meta 分析的调控灌溉对中国北方葡萄产量及 灌溉水分利用效率的影响研究.

5. 微咸水补灌年限对压砂地水盐分布及 西瓜产量和品质的影响.

6. Using System Dynamics to Improve Agricultural Water Use Efficiency in Qingtongxia Irrigation District.

7. Study on Concentration and Distribution Characteristics of Bisphenol Compounds in Irrigation Ditch Water.

8. Improving Irrigation and Fertilization to Reduce Water Usage and Nitrogen Pollution from Rice Fields in Southern China.

9. 黄金梨树氮素营养状况对不同水氮用量的响应.

10. 水盐胁迫对南疆棉花生长发育及产量品质的影响.

11. 变化环境对农业水资源配置的影响研究进展.

12. 不同滴灌水量对河套灌区覆膜玉米田土壤盐分的影响研究.

13. Spatiotemporal Variation in Crop Demand for Irrigation Water and Its Determinants: Take Northwest Shandong Province as an Example.

14. 加气频率和灌水量对云南冬马铃薯产量和品质的影响.

15. 气候变化和人类活动对灌区地下水埋深的影响.

16. 不同初始含水率下风沙土地下渗灌水分运移特性研究.

17. 咸淡水组合灌溉模式对棉田土壤 CO2日排放特征影响.

18. 丘陵灌区排水循环灌溉模式节水减排效果研究.

19. 有限供水条件下玉米灌水时间确定方法的研究.