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1,068 results

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1. Paper-festa : Minimalia

2. Perspectives sobre la qualitat de la interpretació i el paper dels intèrprets que treballen en contextos de sol·licituds d’asil a Espanya

5. Juan Arin Dorronsororen «Material Toponímico» argitaragabearen 25. paper-zorroa

6. Paper euskarriaren diseinua eta optimizazioa irudi digitalean oinarrituta

8. Parles una mica de castellà? Indicadors de la (in)eficiència dels intèrprets a les sales penals espanyoles

9. Right to health during COVID-19 pandemic

10. Hate crime, policing, and the deployment of racial and cultural diversity

11. The Constitutional Reform in Cuba in the Context of the Provisional Implementation of the 2016 EU-Cuba Agreement

12. Socio-legal theory as an understanding tool of legal practice: a research example

13. Eskolako Irakurketa Plana eraikitzen: esperientzia erreal bat irakasleen prestakuntzan.

14. Anti-corruption legislation in Puerto Rico: A sociolegal study of the registry of persons convicted of corruption

15. Garaituen bizipenen berreraiketa Armendarizen silencio roto filmean.

16. Back from the edge, a de-centred approach to ancient graffiti in Brazilian research

17. Law as social science or humanity? Some notes on 'academic determinism'

18. Ahoz gorako irakurketa eta kontaketa: Haur Hezkuntzan ahotsaren eta entzumenaren bitartez sozializatzea.

19. La validez de las notificaciones en papel a las personas jurídicas

20. Access to justice research: On the way to a broader perspective

21. Protection and support of terrorism victims in the criminal proceedings in Kosovo: The compliance with standards of the Madrid Memorandum

22. Women at the bench: Does it make a difference? Assessing the impact of women judges in addressing gender-based issues in Ghana

23. Attack or reform: Systemic interventions in the judiciary in Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia

24. Lazy data? Using administrative records in research on judicial systems

25. Perceptions of administrative policymaking authority: Evidence from interviews in three state court systems

26. Genero indarkeria eta etxebizitza ez seguruko emakumeen bizitegi bazterketaren intersekzioa SARS-CoV-2 koronabirus pandemiaren garaian.


28. Characteristics of damaged asphalt mixtures in tension and compression.

29. Prediction of pavement fatigue cracking at an accelerated testing section using asphalt mixture performance tests.

30. The search for ameasure of fatigue cracking in asphalt binders - a review of different approaches.

31. The juridification of vulnerability in the European legal culture

32. Legal Culture and empirical research: improving the socio-legal character of the sociology of law

33. From a sheltered to expulsion item: The transformation of unaccompanied minors’ legal culture



36. Estado de alarma: ¿para qué? Reflexiones sobre la utilidad de este estado excepcional tras las Sentencias del Tribunal Constitucional 148/2021 y 183/2021

37. Integrating 'storytelling' as a method in judicial processes? The case of Justicia Especial para la Paz

38. Ancient river fishing utensils in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula: the Miño river basin between the 4th century BC and the 4th century AD

39. Konduktismo eta konstruktibismotik abiatuz Haur Hezkuntzako ikasgeletako praktika hezigarrien azterketa.

40. Euskal Autonomi Erkidegoko Lehen Hezkuntzako irakasleen sinesmenak eta ezagutzak hezkuntza emozionalaren inguruan.

41. Law and hostile design in the city: Imposing decorum and visibility regimes in the urban environment

42. Normalising death in the time of a pandemic

43. Cross-border dispute resolution in Europe: looking for a new 'normal'

44. Norm, normal and disruption: Introductory notes

45. The calm after the storm? The tricky path to restoring the enjoyment of individual rights in Intimate Partner Violence cases

46. Entrevistas de autoconfrontación como método para la formación de docentes en el ámbito de la educación literaria

47. Introducción: Vulnerabilidad y cuidado. Una aproximación desde los derechos humanos

48. 'Look who is laughing now': Physical capital, boxing, and the prevention of repeat victimisation

49. Introduction. Youth violence: De-escalation strategies and socio-legal responses

50. Algunas reflexiones sobre un hacha de jadeíta de procedencia alpina depositada en la Real Academia Galega (A Coruña, Galicia)