
Showing total 22 results
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1. Women at the bench: Does it make a difference? Assessing the impact of women judges in addressing gender-based issues in Ghana

2. Street Harassment: What Kind of Answer Can the Penal Law Provide?

3. Sponsorship: a form of prostitution or a form of traditional gender relations?

4. A Matter of Time: Enacting the Exclusion of Onshore Refugee Applicants through the Reform and Acceleration of Refugee Determination Processes

5. Respectability, Chivalry and ‘Fixing’ Women: Men’s Narratives of Intimate Partner Violence in Cape Town

6. Género y usos de drogas: dimensiones de análisis e intersección con otros ejes de desigualdad

7. Tackling climate change and gender justice – integral; not optional

8. Violence, youth and homicide in Mexico

9. América Latina y la Mirada Socio-Jurídica del Instituto Internacional de Sociología Jurídica de Oñati (IISJ) (Latin America and the socio-legal perspective of the Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law)

10. ‘Benchmarking’ a Supreme Court and Federal Court judge in Australia

11. In Defence of the ‘Gold-Digger’

12. The Value of International-National Interactions and Norm Interpretations in Catalysing National Prosecutions of Sexual Violence

13. Inequality and Austerity after the Global Financial Crisis: Law, Gender and Sexuality

14. Unwanted Sexual Attention in Licensed Venues: Considering LGBTIQ Young Adults’ Experiences and Perceptions

15. La Víctima de Trata Sexual y su Des-protección en la Ley Integral contra la Violencia de Género 1/2004 (The Sexual Trafficking Victims and Des-protection in the Law Against Gender Violence 1/2004)

16. Are Women Empowered to Save?

17. YouTube and Muslim Women’s Legal Subjectivities

18. Breve acercamiento a la cuestión género en las políticas europeas sobre alcohol, tabaco y fármacos

19. Introducción al enfoque de género en las políticas europeas de drogas

20. Género, drogas y políticas públicas en la Unión Europea: una contextualización necesaria

21. The Spatial Sense of Empire: Encountering Strangers with Simmel, Tocqueville and Martineau

22. Delinquency professionals: the influence, extension and adoption of the culture of control