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1. The Europeanisation of Party Politics? Competing Regulatory Paradigms at the Supranational Level.

2. Issue Congruence across Legislative Terms: Examining the Democratic Party Mandate in the European Parliament.

3. Different Origins, Same Proposals? The Impact of the EU on the Policy Direction of Party Families.

4. Parties' Positions on European Integration: Issue Congruence, Ideology or Context?

5. Persistent Political Divides, Electoral Volatility and Citizen Involvement: The Freezing Hypothesis in the 2004 European Election.

6. Still men’s parties? Gender and the radical right in comparative perspective.

7. The Centralisation of Parliamentary Policy Statements in Western European Parliaments.

8. Public political tolerance of the far right in contemporary Western Europe.

9. Who Owns Education? Cleavage Structures in the Partisan Competition over Educational Expansion.

10. Institutional Context and Representational Strain in Party–Voter Agreement in Western and Eastern Europe.

11. Strategic Incentives, Issue Proximity and Party Support in Europe.

12. New Parties in Government: Party Organisation and the Costs of Public Office.

13. Does Bicameralism Promote Stability? Inter-institutional Relations and Coalition Formation in the European Parliament.

14. Inter-institutional Rules and Division of Power in the European Parliament: Allocation of Consultation and Co-decision Reports.

15. Religion and Party Choice in Europe.

16. The Challenge to Party Government.

17. Choose your target wisely: how the EU shapes nationalism in contemporary Europe.

18. From issues to goals: a novel conceptualisation, measurement and research design for comprehensive analysis of electoral competition.

19. Assessing the diversity of anti-establishment and populist politics in Central and Eastern Europe.

20. Assessing democratic representation in multi-level democracies.

21. Democratic regeneration in European peripheral regions: new politics for the territory?

22. Ideological alignment and the distribution of public expenditures.

23. Political parties and public investments: a comparative analysis of 22 Western democracies.

24. Political parties or party systems? Assessing the ‘myth’ of institutionalisation and democracy.

25. The Life and Death of New Political Parties in the Low Countries.

26. The politicisation of European integration in domestic election campaigns.

27. Ministerial Importance and Survival in Government: Tough at the Top?

28. Do Politics in Europe Benefit from Politicising Corruption?

29. Failing Political Representation or a Change in Kind? Models of Representation and Empirical Trends in Europe.

30. The Populist Challenge.

31. Democratic Performance of Parties and Legitimacy in Europe.

32. Ideology, Parties and Social Politics in Europe.

33. Responsive and Responsible? The Role of Parties in Twenty-First Century Politics.

34. Winning Peace Frames: Intra-Ethnic Outbidding in Northern Ireland and Cyprus.

35. Religion as Catalyst or Restraint of Radical Right Voting?

36. District Magnitude and Home Styles of Representation in European Democracies.

37. Who Gets into Government? Coalition Formation in European Democracies.

38. The Populist Radical Right and European Integration: A Comparative Analysis of Party–Voter Links.

39. The Party Politics of Territorial Reforms in Europe.

40. The Forbidden Fruit of Federalism: Evidence from Romania and Slovakia.

41. Welfare Dualism in Two Scandinavian Welfare States: Public Opinion and Party Politics.

42. Transnational Networking on the Far Right: The Case of Britain and Germany.

43. Partisan Sorting and Niche Parties in Europe.

44. Mechanisms of Issue Congruence: The Democratic Party Mandate.

45. European Parliament Elections and Political Representation: Policy Congruence between Voters and Parties.

46. ‘Marx’ or the Market? Intra-party Power and Social Democratic Welfare State Retrenchment.

47. Party Change and Europeanisation: Elements of an Integrated Approach.

48. Government Alternation and Patterns of Competition in Europe: Comparative Data in Search of Explanations.

49. Who Gives? Partisan Donations in Europe.

50. Electoral Rewards for Personal Vote Cultivation under PR-STV.