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1. Optimising Religious Education in Poland in the Age of Secularisation

2. Sociocultural Power of Biblical Translation in Early Modern Europe: The Cases of the Ostroh Bible (1581) and the King James Bible (1611)

3. How Negative Is the Theology of Dionysius the Areopagite?

4. Does God Think the Same Way We Do? On the Logical Apophatism of Michał Heller

5. The Crux Interpretum of 1 Cor 15:29: What is at Stake and a Proposal

6. Jesus Christ, Glory and Cognition. Is Eph 1:15–23 a Judaistic and/or Hellenistic Christian Text?

7. The Critique of Secularism by Talal Asad as a Chance to Look for New Ways of Proclamation

8. A Critical Edition and Philological Analysis of the Text of Isa 44:6–45:25 Based on the Coptic Manuscript sa 52 (M 568), Other Manuscripts Written in the Sahidic Coptic Dialect, and on the Greek Text of the Septuagint

9. The Salvific Dimension of Time in the Christian Liturgy

10. Discovering the Child? Individualization Processes of Catholic Religious Education in the Horizon of Secularization since 1900

11. The Crisis of Adults and Its Implications for the Youth. A Theological-Pastoral Study within the Context of Croatia and the Roman Catholic Church Teaching

12. Why More 'Exodus' Is Needed in Church and Pastoral Care. Reflections on an Attitude-Forming Paradigm Shift

13. The Culture of Temporariness in Pope Francis’ Teaching on Marriage and Family

14. Understanding the Catholic Notion of Redemptive Suffering in a Contemporary Context

15. Ecclesio-Mariological Interpretation of Rev 12:1–6 in Early Christian Writings

16. Negative Theology as an Expression of God’s Freedom in the Torah of the Book of Deuteronomy and Wisdom Literature of the Hebrew Bible

17. The Angelized Rabbis and the Rabbinized Angels. The Reworked Motif of the Angelic Progeny in the Babylonian Talmud (bShabb 112b)

18. Hebrew as a Subject of Research and Teaching in Poland from the Early 16th Century to the 20th Century. A Contribution to Further Reflections

19. Israel as the Living Temple of God (Exod 19:5–6)

20. Joseph Ratzinger’s Very Critical Diagnosis and Apology of the Catholic Church

21. Catholic Social Teaching as a Source of Enrichment of the Moral Dimension of Social Enterprise Management

22. Religious or Spiritual? Empirical Manifestations of Contemporary Changes in Poles’ Self-Declarations and Media Representations

23. A Few Remarks about the Lectionary after Fifty Years of Existence

24. Anima, Spiritus, Mens in Sepulchral Inscriptions from the Carmina Latina Epigraphica. Philological Approximations

25. From an Apology for Catholicism to Theological Modernism: The Principle of Development in Alfred Loisy’s Thought

26. 'Nada vs sunyata.' The Notion of Emptiness in John of the Cross and in Zen Buddhism

27. The Portrait of Isaac in Genesis 27: Between Synchronic and Diachronic Readings of Patriarch’s Character

28. Mordecai Kaplan’s Understanding of Holiness

29. The Conjugal communio amoris in the Apostolic Exhortations 'Familiaris Consortio' and 'Amoris Laetitia'

30. The Motif of the Angel(s) of Death in Islamic Foundational Sources as an Element of Cultural Diffusion

31. Abraham’s Trials in Ancient and Medieval Jewish Writings

32. Five Centuries of Bible Translations into Kashubian

33. Joseph Ratzinger’s Argument for the Epistemological Seriousness of Faith

34. The Metaphysics of the Incarnation in Contemporary Analytic Philosophy of Religion

35. Candidates for the Priesthood in Poland A.D. 2020: A Research Report

36. Natural Conditioning of the Spiritual Life: A Contribution to Methodological Reflection

37. Media Education and the New Evangelization. Part Two: Pastoral Postulates and Educational Proposals

38. The Unavoidability of Nature - the Struggle of Erich Przywara and Chantal Delsol to Reintroduce the Concept

39. Rola świadectwa w nowej ewangelizacji na przykładzie nowych ruchów eklezjalnych

40. Interpretacja mesjańska wyrażenia „słońce sprawiedliwości' (Ml 3,20)