
Showing total 66 results
66 results

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1. Emitter localization using received-strength-signal data

2. User scheduling for capacity-Jain's fairness tradeoff in millimeter-wave MIMO systems.

3. L-shaped array-based elevation and azimuth direction finding in the presence of mutual coupling

4. Diffusion total least-squares algorithm with multi-node feedback.

5. Block orthogonal greedy algorithm for stable recovery of block-sparse signal representations

6. Generalized rejection sampling schemes and applications in signal processing

7. An effective focusing approach for azimuth invariant bistatic SAR processing

8. A new approach for analyzing the limiting behavior of the normalized LMS algorithm under weak assumptions

9. A new DOA estimation algorithm for wideband signals in the presence of unknown spatially correlated noise

10. Detection of moving targets in sea clutter using complementary waveforms.

11. Statistics variable kernel width for maximum correntropy criterion algorithm.

12. Spectrum sensing algorithms based on correlation statistics of polarization vector.

13. A modified frequency-domain block LMS algorithm with guaranteed optimal steady-state performance.

14. On the stochastic modeling of the IAF-PNLMS algorithm for complex and real correlated Gaussian input data.

15. Direction-of-arrival estimation based on spatial–temporal statistics without knowing the source number.

16. An environment aware ML estimation of acoustic radiation pattern with distributed microphone pairs

17. Adaptive pattern classification for symbolic dynamic systems

18. Modified two-stage separated virtual steering vector-based algorithm for high resolution inverse synthetic aperture radar imaging

19. Split Bregman iterative algorithm for sparse reconstruction of electrical impedance tomography

20. Time-difference-of-arrival estimation algorithms for cyclostationary signals in impulsive noise

21. Fast exact variable order affine projection algorithm

22. Interacting multiple sensor filter

23. IIR array processing based fast adaptive null steering algorithm using shift-invariant subarrays

24. Poisson image denoising using fast discrete curvelet transform and wave atom

25. Method of solving ambiguity for sparse array via power estimation based on MUSIC algorithm

26. Damped sinusoidal signals parameter estimation in frequency domain

27. Joint blind source separation by generalized joint diagonalization of cumulant matrices

28. Particle filter with ant colony optimization for frequency offset estimation in OFDM systems with unknown noise distribution

29. Estimation of thermal parameters using fractional modelling

30. Improved fractional Kalman filter and its application to estimation over lossy networks

31. Interference cancellation in GPS receiver using noise subspace tracking algorithm

32. CFAR detection for multistatic radar

33. An extended TOPS algorithm based on incoherent signal subspace method

34. Design of 2D linear phase DFT modulated filter banks using bi-iterative second-order cone program

35. Theoretical convergence analysis of FxLMS algorithm

36. Blind noise variance and SNR estimation for OFDM systems based on information theoretic criteria

37. A novel image encryption algorithm based on self-adaptive wave transmission

38. Polynomial root finding technique for joint DOA DOD estimation in bistatic MIMO radar

39. Separation of digital communication mixtures with the CMA: Case of unknown symbol rates

40. Performance analysis of quantized incremental LMS algorithm for distributed adaptive estimation

41. Volumetric-based detection scheme for multi-antenna FH/MFSK systems in the presence of multi-follower jamming

42. Distributed variational Bayesian algorithms for Gaussian mixtures in sensor networks

43. Analysis and optimal design of delayless subband active noise control systems for broadband noise

44. Robust adaptive beamforming for large-scale arrays

45. Mean-square performance analysis of the family of selective partial update and selective regressor affine projection algorithms

46. A fast algorithm for joint two-dimensional direction of arrival and frequency estimation via hierarchical space–time decomposition

47. Blind carrier frequency offset estimation in OFDM systems with I/Q imbalance

48. LMMSE and MAP estimators for reduction of multiplicative noise in the nonsubsampled contourlet domain

49. Auxiliary model based multi-innovation extended stochastic gradient parameter estimation with colored measurement noises

50. DOA estimation based on fourth-order cumulants with unknown mutual coupling