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1. An Iterative 3D Correction plus 2D Inversion Procedure to Remove 3D Effects from 2D ERT Data along Embankments.

2. Instrumental Monitoring of a Slow-Moving Landslide in Piedmont (Northwest Italy) for the Definition of Rainfall Thresholds.

3. Smart City Scenario Editor for General What-If Analysis.

4. Scientometric Analysis of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Geohazard Research.

5. Data Sources and Models for Integrated Mobility and Transport Solutions.

6. Design, Implementation, and Characterization of a Signal Acquisition Chain for SADino: The Precursor of the Italian Low-Frequency Telescope Named the Sardinia Aperture Array Demonstrator (SAAD).

7. A Cloud-IoT Architecture for Latency-Aware Localization in Earthquake Early Warning.

8. The HBIM-GIS Main10ance Platform to Enhance the Maintenance and Conservation of Historical Built Heritage.

9. An Innovative Low-Power, Low-Cost, Multi-Constellation Geodetic-Grade Global Navigation Satellite System Reference Station for the Densification of Permanent Networks: The GREAT Project.

10. Positioning with GNSS and 5G: Analysis of Geometric Accuracy in Urban Scenarios.

11. Sentiment and Emotional Analysis of Risk Perception in the Herculaneum Archaeological Park during COVID-19 Pandemic †.

12. Role of Snowpack-Hydrometeorological Sensors for Hydrogeological System Comprehension inside an Alpine Closed-Basin.

13. In-Field Automatic Identification of Pomegranates Using a Farmer Robot.

14. Drone-Borne Magnetic Gradiometry in Archaeological Applications.

15. Radon Exhalation Rate: A Metrological Approach for Radiation Protection.

16. A Deep Learning Approach for Accurate Path Loss Prediction in LoRaWAN Livestock Monitoring.

17. Can Machine Learning and PS-InSAR Reliably Stand in for Road Profilometric Surveys?

18. A Mobile and Low-Cost System for Environmental Monitoring: A Case Study.

19. Grid-Based Bayesian Filtering Methods for Pedestrian Dead Reckoning Indoor Positioning Using Smartphones.

20. On the Use of Weighted Least-Squares Approaches for Differential Interferometric SAR Analyses: The Weighted Adaptive Variable-lEngth (WAVE) Technique.

21. Use of Sentinel-3 OLCI Images and Machine Learning to Assess the Ecological Quality of Italian Coastal Waters.

22. Food Safety Issues in the Oltrepò Pavese Area: A SERS Sensing Perspective.

23. Evaluating the Performance of Video-Based Automated Passenger Counting Systems in Real-World Conditions: A Comparative Study.

24. Unveiling the Dynamics of Thermal Characteristics Related to LULC Changes via ANN.

25. Experimental Investigations of Distributed Fiber Optic Sensors for Water Pipeline Monitoring.

26. Statistical Methods for Degradation Estimation and Anomaly Detection in Photovoltaic Plants.

27. Temperature Sensing Optimization for Home Thermostat Retrofit.

28. Cloud and Precipitation Profiling Radars: The First Combined W- and K-Band Radar Profiler Measurements in Italy.

29. Google Earth Engine as Multi-Sensor Open-Source Tool for Supporting the Preservation of Archaeological Areas: The Case Study of Flood and Fire Mapping in Metaponto, Italy.

30. Opera 2015 Project: Accurate Measurement Equipment for Earthquake Electromagnetic Emissions and Radio Seismic Indicator.

31. Prototype of an IoT-Based Low-Cost Sensor Network for the Hydrological Monitoring of Landslide-Prone Areas.

32. One-Year Seismic Survey of the Tectonic CO 2 -Rich Site of Mefite d'Ansanto (Southern Italy): Preliminary Insights in the Seismic Noise Wavefield.

33. Extended Tromograph Surveys for a Full Experimental Characterisation of the San Giorgio Cathedral in Ragusa (Italy).

34. Mapping Understory Vegetation Density in Mediterranean Forests: Insights from Airborne and Terrestrial Laser Scanning Integration.

35. Hourly Water Level Forecasting in an Hydroelectric Basin Using Spatial Interpolation and Artificial Intelligence.

36. Fast Detection of Olive Trees Affected by Xylella Fastidiosa from UAVs Using Multispectral Imaging.

37. Characterization of Angle Accuracy and Precision of 3-Degree-of-Freedom Absolute Encoder Based on NanoGPS OxyO Technology.

38. Optimal Interpolation for Infrared Products from Hyperspectral Satellite Imagers and Sounders †.

39. LoRaFarM: A LoRaWAN-Based Smart Farming Modular IoT Architecture.

40. A Comprehensive Machine-Learning-Based Software Pipeline to Classify EEG Signals: A Case Study on PNES vs. Control Subjects.

41. User Experience during an Immersive Virtual Reality-Based Cognitive Task: A Comparison between Estonian and Italian Older Adults with MCI.

42. Use of High-Resolution Multispectral UAVs to Calculate Projected Ground Area in Corylus avellana L. Tree Orchard.

43. Interferometric SAR Phase Denoising Using Proximity-Based K-SVD Technique.

44. A Customer Feedback Platform for Vehicle Manufacturing Compliant with Industry 4.0 Vision.

45. Vision System for Automatic On-Tree Kiwifruit Counting and Yield Estimation.

46. High Frequency Data Acquisition System for Modelling the Impact of Visitors on the Thermo-Hygrometric Conditions of Archaeological Sites: A Casa di Diana (Ostia Antica, Italy) Case Study.

47. Remote Sensing of Urban Microclimate Change in L'Aquila City (Italy) after Post-Earthquake Depopulation in an Open Source GIS Environment.

48. Integrating GEDI and Landsat: Spaceborne Lidar and Four Decades of Optical Imagery for the Analysis of Forest Disturbances and Biomass Changes in Italy.

49. Applicability of Cost-Effective GNSS Sensors for Crustal Deformation Studies.

50. Practical Experiences of a Smart Livestock Location Monitoring System Leveraging GNSS, LoRaWAN and Cloud Services.