
Showing total 14 results
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1. Creativity in Teaching: What Can Teachers Learn from Artists?

2. Ethics, Reflexivity and Access in Educational Research: Issues in Intergenerational Investigation

3. Capturing the Object of Initial Teacher Education by Studying Tools-in-Use in Four School Subject Departments

4. Setting for English and Maths: 11-Year-Olds' Characteristics and Teacher Perceptions of School Attitudes

5. Beyond Compliance: Teacher Education Practice in a Performative Framework

6. Mathematics Students' Aspirations for Higher Education: Class, Ethnicity, Gender and Interpretative Repertoire Styles

7. Special or Mainstream? The Views of Disabled Students

8. Truancy in Secondary School Pupils: Prevalence, Trajectories and Pupil Perspectives

9. Setting up a Free School: Successful Proposers' Experiences

10. Consulting Pupils about Classroom Teaching and Learning: Policy, Practice and Response in One School

11. Why Are Some GCSE Examination Questions Harder to Mark Accurately than Others? Using Kelly's Repertory Grid Technique to Identify Relevant Question Features

12. Occupational Choice, Socio-Economic Status and Educational Attainment: A Study of the Occupational Choices and Destinations of Young People in the British Household Panel Survey

13. Musical Genre and Gender as Factors in Higher Education Learning in Music

14. Teachers' Networks in and out of School