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1. Systematic review: Upscaling energy retrofitting to the multi-building level.

2. Extreme climate change hazards and impacts on European coastal cities: A review.

3. HVDC links between North Africa and Europe: Impacts and benefits on the dynamic performance of the European system.

4. Impacts of the EU and national environmental legislation on tapping hydropower resources in Lithuania – A lowland country.

5. Achievable load shifting potentials for the European residential sector from 2022–2050.

6. The role of hydrogen as enabler of industrial port area decarbonization.

7. An analysis of the current and future use of natural gas-fired power plants in meeting electricity energy needs: The case of Turkey.

8. Wind repowering: Unveiling a hidden asset.

9. Review of dynamic pricing programs in the U.S. and Europe: Status quo and policy recommendations.

10. Economical assessment comparison for hydrogen reconversion from ammonia using thermal decomposition and electrolysis.

11. A comprehensive scouting of space cooling technologies in Europe: Key characteristics and development trends.

12. Solid state lighting review – Potential and challenges in Europe.

13. Directions in development of hydropower in the world, in Europe and Poland in the period 1995–2011

14. Linear and nonlinear TAR panel unit root analyses for solid biomass energy supply of European countries

15. Theoretical and unused potential for residual biomasses in the Emilia Romagna Region (Italy) through a revised and portable framework for their categorization.

16. Dedicated versus mainstreaming approaches in local climate plans in Europe.

17. Socio-economic benefit and profitability analyses of Austrian hydro storage power plants supporting increasing renewable electricity generation in Central Europe.

18. Zero carbon buildings refurbishment––A Hierarchical pathway

19. Multi-terminal VSC HVDC for the European supergrid: Obstacles

20. Bypassing Russia: Nabucco project and its implications for the European gas security

21. Consumer awareness in the adoption of microgeneration technologies: An empirical investigation in the Republic of Ireland

22. Opportunities and challenges for a sustainable energy policy in SE Europe: SE European Energy Community Treaty

23. Environmental optimization model for the European batteries industry based on prospective life cycle assessment and material flow analysis.

24. The role of flexibility in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond: Contributing to a sustainable and resilient energy future in Europe.

25. Market design for a high-renewables European electricity system.

26. A review of the European passenger car regulations – Real driving emissions vs local air quality.

27. Herding behaviour in energy stock markets during the Global Financial Crisis, SARS, and ongoing COVID-19*.

28. Power-to-methane, coupling CO2 capture with fuel production: An overview.

29. Energy consumption synchronization between Europe, United States and Japan: A spectral analysis assessment.

30. Integration of renewable energy sources in southeast Europe: A review of incentive mechanisms and feasibility of investments.

31. Sustainability constraints in determining European bioenergy potential: A review of existing studies and steps forward.

32. Local strategies and action plans towards resource efficiency in South East Europe.

33. Hydrogen and the decarbonization of the energy system in europe in 2050: A detailed model-based analysis.

34. Induced seismicity in geothermal reservoirs: A review of forecasting approaches.

35. An overview of large-scale stationary electricity storage plants in Europe: Current status and new developments.

36. A review of policy drivers and barriers for the use of anaerobic digestion in Europe, the United States and Australia.

37. Recycling of WEEEs: An economic assessment of present and future e-waste streams.

38. Balancing demand-pull and supply-push measures to support renewable electricity in Europe.

39. Optimal energy use of agricultural crop residues preserving soil organic carbon stocks in Europe.

40. Combinations of support instruments for renewable electricity in Europe: A review.

41. Development of an open framework for a qualitative and quantitative comparison of power system and electricity grid models for Europe.

42. Could Europe have more mini hydro sites? A suitability analysis based on continentally harmonized geographical and hydrological data.

43. Technological capabilities for innovation activities across Europe: Evidence from wind, solar and bioenergy technologies.

44. Paving the way for sustainable bioenergy in Europe: Technological options and research avenues for large-scale biomass feedstock supply.

45. A study on energy and CO2 saving potential of ground source heat pump system in India.

46. A review of the European offshore wind innovation system.

47. Low carbon and low embodied energy materials in buildings: A review.

48. Methods for energy analysis of residential buildings in Nordic countries.

49. Assessment of optimal size of anaerobic co-digestion plants: An application to cattle farms in the province of Bari (Italy)

50. The possible contribution of agricultural crop residues to renewable energy targets in Europe: A spatially explicit study