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1. Prediction of Deformation in Expansive Soil Landslides Utilizing AMPSO-SVR.

2. A Study on the Object-Based High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image Classification of Crop Planting Structures in the Loess Plateau of Eastern Gansu Province.

3. A New Method for Hour-by-Hour Bias Adjustment of Satellite Precipitation Estimates over Mainland China.

4. A Multi-Parameter Empirical Fusion Model for Ionospheric TEC in China's Region.

5. Improving the STARFM Fusion Method for Downscaling the SSEBOP Evapotranspiration Product from 1 km to 30 m in an Arid Area in China.

6. Prediction of Sea Surface Reflectivity under Different Sea Conditions Based on the Clustering of Marine Environmental Parameters.

7. An Evaluation of CRA40 and ERA5 Precipitation Products over China.

8. A Transformer Model for Coastline Prediction in Weitou Bay, China.

9. Forecasting Regional Ionospheric TEC Maps over China Using BiConvGRU Deep Learning.

10. Identifying Potential Landslides in Steep Mountainous Areas Based on Improved Seasonal Interferometry Stacking-InSAR.

11. First Assessment of GF3-02 SAR Ocean Wind Retrieval.

12. An Integrated Framework for Spatiotemporally Merging Multi-Sources Precipitation Based on F-SVD and ConvLSTM.

13. Long-Term Performance Evaluation of BeiDou PPP-B2b Products and Its Application in Time Service.

14. Retrieval of TP Concentration from UAV Multispectral Images Using IOA-ML Models in Small Inland Waterbodies.

15. Estimation of Soil Freeze Depth in Typical Snowy Regions Using Reanalysis Dataset: A Case Study in Heilongjiang Province, China.

16. Satellite Laser Altimetry Data-Supported High-Accuracy Mapping of GF-7 Stereo Images.

17. Evaluation of Arctic Sea Ice Drift Products Based on FY-3, HY-2, AMSR2, and SSMIS Radiometer Data.

18. A New Strategy for Forest Height Estimation Using Airborne X-Band PolInSAR Data.

19. Estimating the Routing Parameter of the Xin'anjiang Hydrological Model Based on Remote Sensing Data and Machine Learning.

20. Dual-Mode Sea Ice Extent Retrieval for the Rotating Fan Beam Scatterometer.

21. A Novel Method for Mapping Lake Bottom Topography Using the GSW Dataset and Measured Water Level.

22. A New Grid Zenith Tropospheric Delay Model Considering Time-Varying Vertical Adjustment and Diurnal Variation over China.

23. PD-LL-Transformer: An Hourly PM 2.5 Forecasting Method over the Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration, China.

24. An Innovative Correction–Fusion Approach for Multi-Satellite Precipitation Products Conditioned by Gauge Background Fields over the Lancang River Basin.

25. Application of Ensemble Algorithm Based on the Feature-Oriented Mean in Tropical Cyclone-Related Precipitation Forecasting.

26. Overview and Analysis of Ground Subsidence along China's Urban Subway Network Based on Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry.

27. Evaluation of Daily and Hourly Performance of Multi-Source Satellite Precipitation Products in China's Nine Water Resource Regions.

28. Ground-Level NO2 Concentrations over China Inferred from the Satellite OMI and CMAQ Model Simulations.

29. Satellite-Derived Indicators of Drought Severity and Water Storage in Estuarine Reservoirs: A Case Study of Qingcaosha Reservoir, China.

30. Inversion of Tidal Flat Topography Based on the Optimised Inundation Frequency Method—A Case Study of Intertidal Zone in Haizhou Bay, China.

31. Calculation of CO 2 Emissions from China at Regional Scales Using Remote Sensing Data.

32. Evaluation of GSMaP Version 8 Precipitation Products on an Hourly Timescale over Mainland China.

33. Research on the Spatio-Temporal Dynamic Evolution Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Electrical Power Consumption in Three Urban Agglomerations of Yangtze River Economic Belt, China Based on DMSP/OLS Night Light Data.

34. The Evaluation of FY-3E Hyperspectral Infrared Atmospheric Sounder-II Long-Wave Temperature Sounding Channels.

35. Constructing a Regional Ionospheric TEC Model in China with Empirical Orthogonal Function and Dense GNSS Observation.

36. Evaluation of Improvement Schemes for FY-3B Passive Microwave Soil-Moisture Estimates Retrieved Using the Land Parameter Retrieval Model.

37. Performance Evaluation of China's First Ocean Dynamic Environment Satellite Constellation.

38. InSAR Modeling and Deformation Prediction for Salt Solution Mining Using a Novel CT-PIM Function.

39. Landsat Image-Based Retrieval and Analysis of Spatiotemporal Variation of Total Suspended Solid Concentration in Jiaozhou Bay, China.

40. Accuracy Comparison and Assessment of DSM Derived from GFDM Satellite and GF-7 Satellite Imagery.

41. Evaluation of Simulated CO 2 Point Source Plumes from High-Resolution Atmospheric Transport Model.

42. Spatiotemporal Weighted for Improving the Satellite-Based High-Resolution Ground PM2.5 Estimation Using the Light Gradient Boosting Machine.

43. Canopy-Height and Stand-Age Estimation in Northeast China at Sub-Compartment Level Using Multi-Resource Remote Sensing Data.

44. Reconstruction of a Monthly 1 km NDVI Time Series Product in China Using Random Forest Methodology.

45. Determination of Key Phenological Phases of Winter Wheat Based on the Time-Weighted Dynamic Time Warping Algorithm and MODIS Time-Series Data.

46. Estimation of Apple Flowering Frost Loss for Fruit Yield Based on Gridded Meteorological and Remote Sensing Data in Luochuan, Shaanxi Province, China.

47. Estimating Aboveground Biomass Using Sentinel-2 MSI Data and Ensemble Algorithms for Grassland in the Shengjin Lake Wetland, China.

48. Characterizing the Development of Photovoltaic Power Stations and Their Impacts on Vegetation Conditions from Landsat Time Series during 1990–2022.

49. Validation of FY-4A Temperature Profiles by Radiosonde Observations in Taklimakan Desert in China.

50. Surface Soil Moisture Retrieval of China Using Multi-Source Data and Ensemble Learning.