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1. Mapping Topsoil Carbon Storage Dynamics of Croplands Based on Temporal Mosaicking Images of Landsat and Machine Learning Approach.

2. Forest Aboveground Biomass Estimation Using Multisource Remote Sensing Data and Deep Learning Algorithms: A Case Study over Hangzhou Area in China.

3. Monitoring Spatio-Temporal Variations of Ponds in Typical Rural Area in the Huai River Basin of China.

4. Integrating Multi-Point Geostatistics, Machine Learning, and Image Correlation for Characterizing Positional Errors in Remote-Sensing Images of High Spatial Resolution.

5. A Forest Fire Susceptibility Modeling Approach Based on Light Gradient Boosting Machine Algorithm.

6. Interpolation of GNSS Position Time Series Using GBDT, XGBoost, and RF Machine Learning Algorithms and Models Error Analysis.

7. An Integrated Framework for Spatiotemporally Merging Multi-Sources Precipitation Based on F-SVD and ConvLSTM.

8. Constructing GRACE-Based 1 km Resolution Groundwater Storage Anomalies in Arid Regions Using an Improved Machine Learning Downscaling Method: A Case Study in Alxa League, China.

9. Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Inversion of Evapotranspiration in the Lower Yangtze River Based on Landsat 8 Remote Sensing Data and Analysis of Driving Factors.

10. Application of Machine Learning to Tree Species Classification Using Active and Passive Remote Sensing: A Case Study of the Duraer Forestry Zone.

11. Comparing Machine Learning Algorithms for Soil Salinity Mapping Using Topographic Factors and Sentinel-1/2 Data: A Case Study in the Yellow River Delta of China.

12. Combination of Hyperspectral and Quad-Polarization SAR Images to Classify Marsh Vegetation Using Stacking Ensemble Learning Algorithm.

13. Estimating the Routing Parameter of the Xin'anjiang Hydrological Model Based on Remote Sensing Data and Machine Learning.

14. Wildfire Risk Assessment in Liangshan Prefecture, China Based on An Integration Machine Learning Algorithm.

15. A Comparative Analysis of Certainty Factor-Based Machine Learning Methods for Collapse and Landslide Susceptibility Mapping in Wenchuan County, China.

16. Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using Machine Learning: A Literature Survey.

17. A Scheme for Quickly Simulating Extraterrestrial Solar Radiation over Complex Terrain on a Large Spatial-Temporal Span—A Case Study over the Entirety of China.

18. Aeolian Desertification Dynamics from 1995 to 2020 in Northern China: Classification Using a Random Forest Machine Learning Algorithm Based on Google Earth Engine.

19. Regional Urban Shrinkage Can Enhance Ecosystem Services—Evidence from China's Rust Belt.

20. Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR)-Based Absence Sampling for Machine-Learning-Based Landslide Susceptibility Mapping: The Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China.

21. Retrieval of Fine-Grained PM2.5 Spatiotemporal Resolution Based on Multiple Machine Learning Models.

22. Monitoring Land Use Changes in the Yellow River Delta Using Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Data and Machine Learning from 2000 to 2020.

23. Improved Classification of Coastal Wetlands in Yellow River Delta of China Using ResNet Combined with Feature-Preferred Bands Based on Attention Mechanism.

24. The Diverse Mountainous Landslide Dataset (DMLD): A High-Resolution Remote Sensing Landslide Dataset in Diverse Mountainous Regions.

25. Monitoring of Low Chl-a Concentration in Hulun Lake Based on Fusion of Remote Sensing Satellite and Ground Observation Data.

26. Marine Infrastructure Detection with Satellite Data—A Review.

27. Enhancing Maize Yield Simulations in Regional China Using Machine Learning and Multi-Data Resources.

28. Seismic Landslide Susceptibility Assessment Using Newmark Displacement Based on a Dual-Channel Convolutional Neural Network.

29. Calculation of CO 2 Emissions from China at Regional Scales Using Remote Sensing Data.

30. Landslide Mapping and Causes of Landslides in the China–Nepal Transportation Corridor Based on Remote Sensing Technology.

31. High-Accuracy Mapping of Soil Parent Material Types in Hilly Areas at the County Scale Using Machine Learning Algorithms.

32. Full Convolutional Neural Network Based on Multi-Scale Feature Fusion for the Class Imbalance Remote Sensing Image Classification.

33. Automatic Detection of Regional Snow Avalanches with Scattering and Interference of C-band SAR Data.

34. Spatial Distribution of Multiple Atmospheric Pollutants in China from 2015 to 2020.

35. Satellite Estimation of p CO 2 and Quantification of CO 2 Fluxes in China's Chagan Lake in the Context of Climate Change.

36. Forecasting the Propagation from Meteorological to Hydrological and Agricultural Drought in the Huaihe River Basin with Machine Learning Methods.

37. Time-Series InSAR with Deep-Learning-Based Topography-Dependent Atmospheric Delay Correction for Potential Landslide Detection.

38. Data-Driven Landslide Spatial Prediction and Deformation Monitoring: A Case Study of Shiyan City, China.

39. Two-Stage Spatiotemporal Context Refinement Network for Precipitation Nowcasting.

40. Noise Attenuation for CSEM Data via Deep Residual Denoising Convolutional Neural Network and Shift-Invariant Sparse Coding.

41. Ground-Based Hyperspectral Retrieval of Soil Arsenic Concentration in Pingtan Island, China.

42. The Spatiotemporal Distribution of NO 2 in China Based on Refined 2DCNN-LSTM Model Retrieval and Factor Interpretability Analysis.

43. An Integrated Framework for Remote Sensing Assessment of the Trophic State of Large Lakes.

44. A Novel Heterogeneous Ensemble Framework Based on Machine Learning Models for Shallow Landslide Susceptibility Mapping.

45. Optimized Extraction Method of Fruit Planting Distribution Based on Spectral and Radar Data Fusion of Key Time Phase.

46. Quantitative Model Construction for Sustainable Security Patterns in Social–Ecological Links Using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning.

47. Predict Seasonal Maximum Freezing Depth Changes Using Machine Learning in China over the Last 50 Years.

48. Estimation of Daily Seamless PM 2.5 Concentrations with Climate Feature in Hubei Province, China.

49. How Important Is Satellite-Retrieved Aerosol Optical Depth in Deriving Surface PM 2.5 Using Machine Learning?

50. Semantic Segmentation of China's Coastal Wetlands Based on Sentinel-2 and Segformer.