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1. Vested interests as a hidden driver of Japan's remilitarization: the case of BMD deployment through a neoclassical realist approach.

2. Shimane Prefecture, Tokyo and the territorial dispute over Dokdo/Takeshima: regional and national identities in Japan.

3. Japan's security cooperation with the Philippines and Vietnam.

4. Competition and cooperative practices in Sino-Japanese energy and environmental relations: towards an energy security 'risk community'?

5. The United States, Japan, and the European Union: comparing political economy approaches to China.

6. Securing security through prosperity: the San Francisco System in comparative perspective.

7. Japan and the new Indo-Pacific order: the rise of an entrepreneurial power.

8. Japan in the Indo-Pacific: domestic politics and foreign policy.

9. Japan's changing conception of the ASEAN Regional Forum: from an optimistic liberal to a pessimistic realist perspective.

10. WIN-WIN! with ODA-man: legitimizing development assistance policy in Japan.

11. Kantei diplomacy? Japan's hybrid leadership in foreign and security policy.

12. The persistence of reified Asia as reality in Japanese foreign policy narratives.

13. Japan and identity change: why it matters in International Relations.

14. Turning Western, turning Asian: a study of Japanese 'identity' from a Gramscian perspective.

15. South Korea and Sino-Japanese rivalry: a middle power's options within the East Asian core triangle.

16. A new dynamism in Sino-Japanese security relations: Japan's strategic use of foreign aid.

17. Quiet power: Japan's China policy in regard to the Pinnacle Islands.

18. Complex regional multilateralism: 'strategising' Japan's responses to Southeast Asia.

19. A chance for a breakthrough in Russo-Japanese relations: will the logic of great power relations prevail?

20. Japan's leadership role in East Asian security multilateralism: the Nakayama proposal and the logic of reassurance.