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1. Explaining the difference between Australia-Japan and Japan-ROK security cooperation.

2. Securitizing Beijing through the maritime commons: the 'China threat' and Japan's security discourse in the Abe era.

3. The political economy of agricultural trade liberalization in Northeast Asia: comparisons with the West and between Japan and Korea.

4. Japan's contribution to peace, prosperity & sustainability: energy transitions in the Indo-Pacific region*.

5. Vested interests as a hidden driver of Japan's remilitarization: the case of BMD deployment through a neoclassical realist approach.

6. Fearful states: the migration-security nexus in Northeast Asia.

7. Reward-based or threat-based deterrence: US policy toward Japan and South Korea in comparative perspective.

8. Shimane Prefecture, Tokyo and the territorial dispute over Dokdo/Takeshima: regional and national identities in Japan.

9. Japan's security cooperation with the Philippines and Vietnam.

10. Ideas and policy transformation: why preferences for regionalism and cross-regionalism diverged in Japan and Korea.

11. Development of gray-zone deterrence: concept building and lessons from Japan's experience.

12. Japan's policy toward India since 2000: for the sake of maintaining US leadership in East Asia.

13. Identity and recognition: remembering and forgetting the post-war in Sino-Japanese relations.

14. The tax-welfare mix: explaining Japan's weak extractive capacity.

15. Japan and the new Indo-Pacific order: the rise of an entrepreneurial power.

16. Japan's rise and fall (and rise again) in The Pacific Review.

17. Japan in the Indo-Pacific: domestic politics and foreign policy.

18. Japan's strategic response to China's geo-economic presence: quality infrastructure as a diplomatic tool.

19. Economic statecraft, interdependence, and Sino-Japanese 'rivalry'.

20. Wedge strategies in Russia-Japan relations.

21. Strategic partnership between Japan and New Zealand: foundation, development and prospect.

22. WIN-WIN! with ODA-man: legitimizing development assistance policy in Japan.

23. Think territory politically: the making and escalation of Beijing's commitment to Sovereignize Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands.

24. To revise or not to revise: the ‘peace constitution’, pro-revision movement, and Japan's national identity.

25. After a decade of strategic partnership: Japan and Australia ‘decentering’ from the US alliance?

26. New directions in Japan's security: non-US centric evolution, introduction to a special issue.

27. Subnational participation in extra-national policy solutions: Kitakyushu City as an intermediate agent in policy coordination.

28. Japan's export of infrastructure systems: pursuing twin goals through developmental means.

29. Kantei diplomacy? Japan's hybrid leadership in foreign and security policy.

30. Japan's foreign aid: old and new contests.

31. Dodgy dumplings and lethal liver: risk, food terrorism, and Sino–Japanese relations.

32. The rise of the Chinese ‘Other’ in Japan's construction of identity: Is China a focal point of Japanese nationalism?

33. The North Korean abduction issue: emotions, securitisation and the reconstruction of Japanese identity from ‘aggressor’ to ‘victim’ and from ‘pacifist’ to ‘normal’.

34. The persistence of reified Asia as reality in Japanese foreign policy narratives.

35. Japan and identity change: why it matters in International Relations.