
Showing total 104 results
104 results

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1. Stable isotopes and a changing world.

2. Global analysis of seasonal changes in trematode infection levels reveals weak and variable link to temperature.

3. Benefits of insect colours: a review from social insect studies.

4. Older forests function as energetic and demographic refugia for a climate-sensitive species.

5. Lemming winter habitat: the quest for warm and soft snow.

6. May future climate change promote the invasion of the marsh frog? An integrative thermo-physiological study.

7. Phenotypic variation in the molt characteristics of a seasonal coat color-changing species reveals limited resilience to climate change.

8. Variation in breeding phenology in response to climate change in two passerine species.

9. Contrasting effects of temperature and precipitation change on amphibian phenology, abundance and performance.

10. Acclimation to water stress improves tolerance to heat and freezing in a common alpine grass.

11. Keeping it cool to take the heat: tropical lizards have greater thermal tolerance in less disturbed habitats.

12. Richness, not evenness, varies across water availability gradients in grassy biomes on five continents.

13. Food supply and individual quality influence seabird energy expenditure and reproductive success.

14. Nonlinear spatial and temporal decomposition provides insight for climate change effects on sub-Arctic herbivore populations.

15. Short-lived species move uphill faster under climate change.

16. Climate affects the outbreaks of a forest defoliator indirectly through its tree hosts.

17. Sea ice extent and phenology influence breeding of high-Arctic seabirds: 4 decades of monitoring in Nunavut, Canada.

18. Environmental conditions variably affect growth across the breeding season in a subarctic seabird.

19. The impact of variable predation risk on stress in snowshoe hares over the cycle in North America's boreal forest: adjusting to change.

20. Continent-wide synthesis of the long-term population dynamics of quaking aspen in the face of accelerating human impacts.

21. Assessing climate change tolerance and the niche breadth-range size hypothesis in rare and widespread alpine plants.

22. The contribution of environmental and dispersal filters on phylogenetic and taxonomic beta diversity patterns in Amazonian tree communities.

23. Consistent community genetic effects in the context of strong environmental and temporal variation in Eucalyptus.

24. Neighbor identity affects growth and survival of Mediterranean plants under recurrent drought.

25. Snow-mediated plasticity does not prevent camouflage mismatch.

26. Stronger influence of growth rate than severity of drought stress on mortality of large ponderosa pines during the 2012–2015 California drought.

27. Ecto- and endoparasitic nematodes respond differently across sites to changes in precipitation.

28. Elevated atmospheric humidity prolongs active growth period and increases leaf nitrogen resorption efficiency of silver birch.

29. Effects of elevated CO2 on competition between native and invasive grasses.

30. Precipitation and predation risk alter the diversity and behavior of pollinators and reduce plant fitness.

31. Population projections of an endangered cactus suggest little impact of climate change.

32. Does range expansion modify trait covariation? A study of a northward expanding dragonfly.

33. Rainfall, not soil temperature, will limit the seed germination of dry forest species with climate change.

34. Visible and near-infrared hyperspectral indices explain more variation in lower-crown leaf nitrogen concentrations in autumn than in summer.

35. Elevated carbon dioxide and reduced salinity enhance mangrove seedling establishment in an artificial saltmarsh community.

36. Population fluctuations and spatial synchrony in an arboreal rodent.

37. Snow is an important control of plant community functional composition in oroarctic tundra.

38. Response of a coastal Baltic Sea diatom-dominated phytoplankton community to experimental heat shock and changing salinity.

39. Effects of extreme rainfall events are independent of plant species richness in an experimental grassland community.

40. Does adaptation to historical climate shape plant responses to future rainfall patterns? A rainfall manipulation experiment with common ragweed.

41. Implications of seasonal and annual heat accumulation for population dynamics of an invasive defoliator.

42. Long-term acclimation to near-future ocean acidification has negligible effects on energetic attributes in a juvenile coral reef fish.

43. Direct and indirect effects of the El Niño Southern Oscillation on development and survival of young of a tropical passerine.

44. Patch use in the arctic ground squirrel: effects of micro-topography and shrub encroachment in the Arctic Circle.

45. Density differences between water masses preclude laminar flow in two-current choice flumes.

46. Seasonal timing in honey bee colonies: phenology shifts affect honey stores and varroa infestation levels.

47. Are animals shrinking due to climate change? Temperature-mediated selection on body mass in mountain wagtails.

48. Responses of seed size, ant worker size, and seed removal rate to elevation in Mediterranean grasslands.

49. Coping with climate change: limited behavioral responses to hot weather in a tropical carnivore.

50. Increasing temperature seasonality may overwhelm shifts in soil moisture to favor shrub over grass dominance in Colorado Plateau drylands.