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1. Comment arising from a paper by Wittmer et al.: hypothesis testing for top-down and bottom-up effects in woodland caribou population dynamics.

2. Studies of photosynthesis and diffusion resistance in paper birch ( Betula papyrifera Marsh.) with synthesis through computer simulation.

3. Response of winter chemical defense in Alaska paper birch and green alder to manipulation of plant carbon/nutrient balance.

4. Atmospheric change alters foliar quality of host trees and performance of two outbreak insect species.

5. Tree seedling canopy responses to conflicting photosensory cues.

6. Fine-root biomass and fluxes of soil carbon in young stands of paper birch and trembling aspen as affected by elevated atmospheric CO2 and tropospheric O3.

7. Effects of CO-mediated changes in paper birch and white pine chemistry on gypsy moth performance.

8. Defense of winter-dormant Alaska paper birch against snowshoe hares.

9. What are the advantages of dispersing; a paper by Kuno explained and extended.

10. Evidence that fungal pathogens inhibit recruitment of a shade-intolerant tree, white birch (Betula papyrifera), in understory habitats.

11. Elevated CO interacts with herbivory to alter chlorophyll fluorescence and leaf temperature in Betula papyrifera and Populus tremuloides.

12. Comment arising from a paper by Wolda and Dennis: using and interpreting the results of tests for density dependence.

13. Sexual size dimorphism and sexual selection in turtles (order testudines).

14. Geographic pattern of genetic variation in photosynthetic capacity and growth in two hardwood species from British Columbia.

15. Lichen palatability depends on investments in herbivore defence.

16. Territory defense by the ant Azteca trigona: maintenance of an arboreal ant mosaic.

17. High consumption rate by Neodiprion sertifer?-A comment on a paper by Larsson and Tenow.

18. Energy budgets do balance-A comment on a paper by Wightman and Rogers.

19. The interaction between CO and plant nutrition: comments on a paper by Coleman, McConnaughay and Bazzaz.

20. Seed, dispersal, microsite, habitat and recruitment limitation: identification of terms and concepts in studies of limitations.

21. Analytical error in stable isotope ecology.

22. Pruning of host plant neighbours as defence against enemy ant invasions: Crematogaster ant partners of Macaranga protected by "wax barriers" prune less than their congeners.

23. A meta-analysis of plant field studies simulating stratospheric ozone depletion.

24. Relative sensitivity of three species of woody plants to SO at high or low exposure temperature.

26. Commentary: Do we have a consistent terminology for species diversity? Back to basics and toward a unifying framework.

27. The colonization cycle of freshwater insects.

28. The effect of the predator-avoidance behavior of the sea urchin, Centrostephanus coronatus, on the breadth of its diet.

29. Seed size selection in heteromyids.

30. Effect of defoliation intensity on aboveground and belowground relative growth rates.

31. Variability and stability of a dragonfly assemblage.

32. How to analyse prey preference when prey density varies? A new method to discriminate between effects of gut fullness and prey type composition.

33. Performance of two Picea abies (L.) Karst. stands at different stages of decline.

34. Induced tolerance of neonate Heliothis zea to host plant allelochemicals and carbaryl following incubation of eggs on foliage of Lycopersicon hirsutum f. glabratum.

35. Wound-induced changes in the palatability of Betula pubescens and B. pendula.

36. Ecophysiology of two solar tracking desert winter annuals.

37. Polychaete invader enhances resource utilization in a species-poor system

38. A strong conditional mutualism limits and enhances seed dispersal and germination of a tropical palm

39. Effects of an invasive forest pathogen on abundance of ticks and their vertebrate hosts in a California Lyme disease focus

40. Indirect effects of species interactions on habitat provisioning

41. Increased risk of phosphorus limitation at higher temperatures for Daphnia magna

42. Trade-offs between vegetative growth and acorn production in Quercus lobata during a mast year: the relevance of crop size and hierarchical level within the canopy

43. Water relations of evergreen and drought-deciduous trees along a seasonally dry tropical forest chronosequence

44. High-quality habitat and facilitation ameliorate competitive effects of prior residents on new settlers

45. Specific bottom–up effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi across a plant–herbivore–parasitoid system

46. Complex responses to invasive grass litter by ground arthropods in a Mediterranean scrub ecosystem

47. The effect of disturbance on an ant–plant mutualism

48. Biomass and morphology of fine roots in temperate broad-leaved forests differing in tree species diversity: is there evidence of below-ground overyielding?

49. Beyond climate envelopes: effects of weather on regional population trends in butterflies

50. Consequences of the size structure of fish populations for their effects on a generalist avian predator