
Showing total 65 results
65 results

Search Results

1. Russian secret service to vet research papers.

2. The focus on bibliometrics makes papers less useful.

3. Older scientists publish more papers.

4. Cash for papers: putting a premium on publication.

5. Jury to rule on 'defamatory' paper.

6. Making the paper: Antonio lavarone.

7. Making the paper: Tim Wright.

8. Making the paper: Giulio Superti-Furga.

9. Making the paper.

10. Making the papers.

11. Making the paper: Alison Smith.

12. Study discloses financial interests behind papers.

13. Science publishing: The paper is not sacred.

14. GM crops: Battlefield.

15. Metrics: journal's impact factor skewed by a single paper.

16. Online collaboration: Scientists and the social network.

17. Seth Stein: The quake killer.

18. Science comes to terms with the lessons of fraud.

19. Computational science: ...Error.

20. US seeks to make science free for all.

21. Journal reveals plans to fight fraud.

22. Making an impact.

23. Image search triggers Italian police probe.

24. Young scientists lead the way on fresh ideas.

25. A reprogramming rush.

26. Korean institute inquiry prompts two retractions.

27. Illuminating the black box.

28. A team effort.

29. Future impact: Predicting scientific success.

30. Payback time.

31. Science without borders.

32. Cash-per-publication...

33. Credit where credit's due.

34. 2020 Computing: Science in an exponential world.

35. Disgraced cloner's ally is cleared of misconduct.

36. 100 and 50 years ago.

37. Games people play with authors' names.

38. Industry beckons Benelux's brightest.

39. Stricter standards sought to curb stem-cell confusion.

40. My year as a stem-cell blogger.

41. Legal and practical pitfalls in making use of patents.

42. From the blogosphere.

43. Misconduct scandal hits German university.

44. From the blogosphere.

45. India to propose regulatory body to curb misconduct.

47. Journal club.

48. Technology trap.

49. Quantified: Singapore.

50. Graduate Journal: Writer's block.