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134 results

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1. Publishing: Handful of papers dominates citation.

2. Structural genomics: Open collaboration is key to new drugs.

3. Nomenclature: Call to register new species in ZooBank.

4. Conservation: Problems enforcing Ecuador ecology law.

5. NIH funding: It does support innovators.

6. NIH funding: The critics respond.

7. NIH funding: Agency rebuts critique.

8. Arnold Berliner: Prize marks German journal centenary.

9. Development goals: Science alone cannot shape sustainability.

10. Preprint servers: no author fees.

11. Preprint servers: follow arXiv's lead.

13. Open access: A green light for archiving.

14. Open access: Let's go for gold.

15. Altmetrics: Research council responds.

16. Impact factors: Cash puts publishing ethics at risk in China.

18. Policy: Biodiversity needs a scientific approach.

19. Nanotechnology: Change of heart on nanoparticle risks.

21. Cold fusion: Fleischmann denied due credit.

22. Atmospheric science: Institute to continue climate monitoring.

23. Communication: Embrace complexity but not jargon.

24. Careers: PhDs fit for industry and commerce, too.

25. Publishing: Curb temptation to skip quality control.

26. Research fraud: Speed up reviews of misconduct.

27. Publishing: Careless linking of Wallace and Darwin.

28. Pathogens: Monitoring fungal infections in fish.

29. Botany: Support home-grown plant collectors.

30. Ecology: Preserve Brazil's aquatic biodiversity.

31. Drug discovery: In defence of the animal model.

34. Pawar et al. reply.

38. Grant applications: Undo NIH policy to ease effect of cuts.

42. Realizing talent: Arab science must help itself.

44. Renewables: Realizing Australia's bioenergy potential.

45. Genomics: ENCODE leads the way on big data.

46. Media: Animal variants in sexual behaviour.

47. Research practice: A code of conduct for European scientists.

48. Policy: Clarify the limits of climate models.

49. West Bank: Keep politics out of academia in Israel.

50. Birds: Time to accept conservation triage.