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246 results

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1. Modes and methods of personality research.

2. Masculine/feminine: A personological perspective.


4. Is Self-Complexity Linked to Better Coping? A Review of the Literature.

5. The moderating effect of locus of control in relation to achievement-motivation variables.

6. Symmetry and asymmetry in interpersonal relations--with implications for the concept of projection.

7. Personality and psychological stress.

8. The Relation between Authoritarianism and Acceptance of Military Ideology.

9. A relationship between Sheldonian somatotype and psychotype.

10. Reactive and Proactive Aggression in Childhood and Adolescence: Precursors, Outcomes, Processes, Experiences, and Measurement.

11. Rejection Sensitivity and the Rejection–Hostility Link in Romantic Relationships.

12. Integrating Experimental and Observational Personality Research—The Contributions of Hans Eysenck.

13. Bridging the idiographic-nomothetic divide in ratings of self and others on the Big Five.

14. Henry A. Murray's Early Career: A Psychobiographical Exploration.

15. The Changing Self: Using Personal Documents to Study Lives.

16. Responsibility attribution: role of outcome severity, situational ambiguity, and internal-external control.

17. Differential utilization of information as a function of internal-external control.

18. Leveling tendencies and the complexity-simplicity dimension.

19. A factor analysis of some handwriting characteristics.

20. Toward a psychological theory of human communication.

21. Personality dynamics and auditory perceptual recognition.

22. Studies of the relationship of handwriting to personality.

23. An experimental investigation of neuroticism.

24. Have Model, Will Travel.

25. The person versus the situation--a pseudo issue? A response to Alker.

26. Relative graphic expansiveness as a function of gross bodily activity and level of psychological disturbance.

27. Personality functions of graphic constriction and expansiveness.



30. Introduction.

31. Bringing the (disabled) body to personality psychology: A case study of Samantha.

32. Uncovering the structure of agreeableness from self-report measures.

33. Distinguished Senior Psychologist Forum.

34. Unique Associations Between Big Five Personality Aspects and Multiple Dimensions of Well-Being.

35. Personality Traits as Patterns of Meaning Assignment Tendencies.

36. A Comparison of Human Narrative Coding of Redemption and Automated Linguistic Analysis for Understanding Life Stories.

37. Discrepancy in Personality Perceptions Is Related to Relationship Satisfaction: Findings from Dyadic Latent Discrepancy Analyses.

38. Do Personality Traits Moderate Relations Between Psychologically Controlling Parenting and Problem Behavior in Adolescents?

39. Predicting Risk-Mitigating Behaviors From Indecisiveness and Trait Anxiety: Two Cognitive Pathways to Task Avoidance.

40. Psychopathy Deconstructed and Reconstructed: Identifying and Assembling the Personality Building Blocks of Cleckley's Chimera.

41. Narcissism and Other-Derogation in the Absence of Ego Threat.

42. Personality Interacts With Implicit Affect to Predict Performance in Analytic Versus Holistic Processing.

43. On the Cross-Cultural Replicability of the Resilient, Undercontrolled, and Overcontrolled Personality Types.

44. Narcissism and Discrepancy Between Self and Friends' Perceptions of Personality.

45. The Dynamic Role of Personality States in Mediating the Relationship Between Extraversion and Positive Affect.

46. Profiling the 'Pro-Environmental Individual': A Personality Perspective.

47. Sources of Variance in Personality Facets: A Multiple-Rater Twin Study of Self-Peer, Peer-Peer, and Self-Self (Dis)Agreement.

48. On the Role of Passion for Work in Burnout: A Process Model.

49. On the Road to Self-Perception: Interpretation of Self-Behaviors Can Be Altered by Priming.

50. A Genome-Wide Scan for Eysenckian Personality Dimensions in Adolescent Twin Sibships: Psychoticism, Extraversion, Neuroticism, and Lie.