
Showing total 9 results
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1. Simulations of two-dimensional unbiased polymer translocation using the bond fluctuation model.

2. Single polymer confinement in a tube: Correlation between structure and dynamics.

3. A generalized bead-rod model for Brownian dynamics simulations of wormlike chains under strong confinement.

4. An immersed boundary method for Brownian dynamics simulation of polymers in complex geometries: Application to DNA flowing through a nanoslit with embedded nanopits.

5. Coil-to-globule transition by dissipative particle dynamics simulation.

6. Hydrodynamic screening near planar boundaries: Effects on semiflexible polymer dynamics.

7. Simulations of polyelectrolyte dynamics in an externally applied electric field in confined geometry.

8. Rouse modes of self-avoiding flexible polymers.

9. Translational diffusion of polymer chains with excluded volume and hydrodynamic interactions by Brownian dynamics simulation.