
Showing total 11 results
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1. On Koopmans' theorem in density functional theory.

2. Elimination, in electronic structure calculations, of redundant orbital products.

3. Oscillator strengths of electronic excitations with response theory using phase including natural orbital functionals.

4. Density functional theory with fractional orbital occupations.

5. Bond dissociation of the dipeptide dialanine and its derivative alanine anhydride induced by low energy electrons.

6. On the self-consistent implementation of general occupied-orbital dependent exchange-correlation functionals with application to the B05 functional.

7. A density matrix functional with occupation number driven treatment of dynamical and nondynamical correlation.

8. The microscopic structure of an exactly solvable model binary solution that exhibits two closed loops in the phase diagram.

9. Accurate and efficient treatment of two-electron contributions in quasirelativistic high-order Douglas-Kroll density-functional calculations.

10. Validation of intermolecular transfer integral and bandwidth calculations for organic molecular materials.

11. Electron momentum spectroscopy of CF2Cl2: Experimental and theoretical momentum profiles for outer valence orbitals.