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1. The multiscale coarse-graining method. IX. A general method for construction of three body coarse-grained force fields.

2. Atomistic simulations of rare events using gentlest ascent dynamics.

3. Markov models of molecular kinetics: Generation and validation.

4. NVU dynamics. I. Geodesic motion on the constant-potential-energy hypersurface.

5. Extended Lagrangian Born–Oppenheimer molecular dynamics for orbital-free density-functional theory and polarizable charge equilibration models.

6. Semiclassical multistate Liouville dynamics in the adiabatic representation.

7. A random rotor molecule: Vibrational analysis and molecular dynamics simulations.

8. Aggregation of rod-like polyelectrolyte chains in the presence of monovalent counterions.

9. The multiscale coarse-graining method. VIII. Multiresolution hierarchical basis functions and basis function selection in the construction of coarse-grained force fields.

10. A model electronic Hamiltonian to study low-lying electronic states of [Fe(bpy)3]2+ in aqueous solution.

11. A scheme to interpolate potential energy surfaces and derivative coupling vectors without performing a global diabatization.

12. Response of water to electric fields at temperatures below the glass transition: A molecular dynamics analysis.

13. Atomistic molecular dynamics simulations of shock compressed quartz.

14. Thermal fluctuations of clusters with the long-range interaction.

15. The potential energy landscape contribution to the dynamic heat capacity.

16. Accelerating chemical reactions: Exploring reactive free-energy surfaces using accelerated ab initio molecular dynamics.

17. H(D) → D(H) + Cu(111) collision system: Molecular dynamics study of surface temperature effects.

18. Molecular dynamics simulations for CO2 spectra. II. The far infrared collision-induced absorption band.

19. Ab initio mass tensor molecular dynamics.

20. A smooth, nonsingular, and faithful discretization scheme for polarizable continuum models: The switching/Gaussian approach.

21. Molecular dynamics simulation of O2 sticking on Pt(111) using the ab initio based ReaxFF reactive force field.

22. Comparison of path integral molecular dynamics methods for the infrared absorption spectrum of liquid water.

23. Application of mean-field and surface-hopping approaches for interrogation of the Xe3+ molecular ion photoexcitation dynamics.

24. Rate constant for OH(2Π)+O(3P)→H(2S)+O2(3Σg-) reaction on an improved ab initio potential energy surface and implications for the interstellar oxygen problem.

25. Minimum free energy pathways and free energy profiles for conformational transitions based on atomistic molecular dynamics simulations.

26. Time-reversible ab initio molecular dynamics.

27. Parallel replica dynamics with a heterogeneous distribution of barriers: Application to n-hexadecane pyrolysis.

28. Comparison of kinetic Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations of diffusion in a model glass former.

29. Interpolated potential energy surface and classical dynamics for H[sub 3][sup +]+HD and H[sub 3][sup +]+D[sub 2].

30. From molecular clusters to bulk matter. II. Crossover from icosahedral to crystalline...

31. Distribution of vibrational potential energy in molecular systems.

33. Finite-temperature electronic simulations without the Born-Oppenheimer constraint.