
Showing total 12 results
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1. Evaluation of SMAP-Enhanced Products Using Upscaled Soil Moisture Data Based on Random Forest Regression: A Case Study of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau, China.

2. The Think-Aloud Method for Evaluating the Usability of a Regional Atlas.

3. Recent Advances of Structures Monitoring and Evaluation Using GPS-Time Series Monitoring Systems: A Review.

4. Evaluation of River Network Generalization Methods for Preserving the Drainage Pattern.

5. MAARGHA: A Prototype System for Road Condition and Surface Type Estimation by Fusing Multi-Sensor Data.

6. Evaluation of Community Livability Using Gridded Basic Urban Geographical Data—A Case Study of Wuhan.

7. Evaluation Method of Equalization of Basic Medical Services from the Spatial Perspective: The Case of Xinjiang, China.

8. Perspective Charts in a Multi-Foci Globe-Based Visualization of COVID-19 Data.

9. Evaluation of the Cartographical Quality of Urban Plans by Eye-Tracking.

10. Accuracy and Effort of Interpolation and Sampling:Can GIS Help Lower Field Costs.

11. The Role of Participatory Village Maps in Strengthening Public Participation Practice.

12. Study of NSSDA Variability by Means of Automatic Positional Accuracy Assessment Methods.