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1. Will the 'evapotranspiration paradox' phenomenon exist across China in the future?

2. The recent increasing frequency of strong cooling event in Southwest China in February.

3. Moisture sources of precipitation over the Pearl River Basin in South China.

4. Higher atmospheric evapotranspiration demand intensified drought in semi‐arid sandy lands, northern China.

5. Influences of atmospheric intraseasonal oscillation in mid–high latitudes on winter haze pollution over the Beijing‐Tianjin‐Hebei region.

6. A multilayer daily high‐resolution gridded homogenized soil temperature over continental China.

7. Intraseasonal variations of precipitation over southern China during boreal winter and their two primary influencing factors.

8. Evaluation of ERA5, ERA‐Interim, JRA55 and MERRA2 reanalysis precipitation datasets over the Poyang Lake Basin in China.

9. Spatial and temporal characteristics of various cold surges over China during 1962–2018.

10. Moisture sources for the weather pattern classified extreme precipitation in the first rainy season over South China.

11. Interpreting the nonstationary relationship between El Niño–Southern Oscillation and the winter precipitation over southeast China.

12. A comparative study of TOPSIS‐based GCMs selection and multi‐model ensemble.

13. Overall uncertainty of climate change impacts on watershed hydrology in China.

14. Connection between the November snow cover over northeast Asia and the following January precipitation in southern China.

15. Characterizing the long‐term dynamics of aerosol optical depth in the Yangtze River Middle‐Reach urban agglomeration, China.

16. Distinct impacts of two types of South Asian highs on East Asian summer rainfall.

17. Skilful two‐month‐leading hybrid climate prediction for winter temperature over China.

18. Spatiotemporal variability of standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index in mainland China over 1961–2016.

19. Impacts of climate anomalies on the interannual and interdecadal variability of autumn and winter haze in North China: A review.

20. The roles of moisture transports in intraseasonal precipitation during the preflood season over South China.

21. A decision‐tree approach to seasonal prediction of extreme precipitation in eastern China.

22. Assessment of candidate distributions for SPI/SPEI and sensitivity of drought to climatic variables in China.

23. Evaluation of the effects of a multiphysics ensemble on the simulation of an extremely hot summer in 2003 over the CORDEX‐EA‐II region.

24. Evaluation of the Regional Climate Model over the Loess Plateau of China.

25. Non-stationary bias correction of monthly CMIP5 temperature projections over China using a residual-based bagging tree model.

26. Towards planning and practical understanding of the need for meteorological and climatic information in the design of high-density cities: A case-based study of Hong Kong.

27. Sky view factor analysis of street canyons and its implications for daytime intra-urban air temperature differentials in high-rise, high-density urban areas of Hong Kong: a GIS-based simulation approach.

28. Influence of Indian Ocean subtropical dipole on spring rainfall over China.

29. Tree-ring-based temperature reconstruction for the northern Greater Higgnan Mountains, China, since A.D. 1717.

30. The impacts of the summer Asian Jet Stream biases on surface air temperature in mid-eastern China in IPCC AR4 models.

31. The tropospheric biennial oscillation in the East Asian monsoon region and its influence on the precipitation in China and large-scale atmospheric circulation in East Asia.

32. CGCM projections of heavy rainfall events in China.

33. Assessment of monthly solar radiation estimates using support vector machines and air temperatures.

34. Spatial and temporal variability of precipitation concentration index, concentration degree and concentration period in Xinjiang, China.

35. Ten-year climatology of summer monsoon over South China and its surroundings simulated from a regional climate model.

36. Moisture conditions and climate trends in China during the period 1971-2000.

37. Regional features of future warming using high‐resolution downscaled multimodel climate scenarios in mainland China.

38. Understanding the extremely wet autumn over West China in 2017 from intraseasonal oscillation perspective.

39. Influence of boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation on summer precipitation in North China.

40. Downscaling wind speed based on coupled environmental factors and machine learning.

41. Spatiotemporal variation and multivariate controls of short‐cycle drought–flood abrupt alteration: A case in the Qinling‐Daba Mountains of China.

42. Whether the updates of dynamical processes can improve the performance of BCC‐CSM model to reproduce the long‐range correlation of the daily temperature?

43. The intraseasonal surface air temperature reversal and its predictability analysis in 2021/2022 winter over China.

44. The relations between summer droughts/floods and oxygen isotope composition of precipitation in the Dongting Lake basin.

45. Future changes of dry‐wet climate regions and its contributing climatic factors in China based on CMIP6 models.

46. Spatiotemporal analysis of consecutive extreme wet days in China from 1980 to 2020.

47. Extreme hourly precipitation characteristics of Mainland China from 1980 to 2019.

48. Prediction abilities of subseasonal‐to‐seasonal models for regional rainstorm processes in South China.

49. Snow depth alteration and its relation with climate variability in China.

50. The underestimation of spring precipitation over South China is caused by the weak simulations of the dynamic motion in CMIP6 models.