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1. An axiomatic design-based mathematical programming method for heterogeneous multi-criteria group decision making with linguistic fuzzy truth degrees

2. Fuzzy best-worst method based on triangular fuzzy numbers for multi-criteria decision-making

3. Diversity based selection for many-objective evolutionary optimisation problems with constraints

4. Multiple attribute decision making using improved intuitionistic fuzzy weighted geometric operators of intuitionistic fuzzy values

5. Subpopulation initialization driven by linkage learning for dealing with the Long-Way-To-Stuck effect

6. Enhancing MOEA/D with information feedback models for large-scale many-objective optimization

7. AREA: An adaptive reference-set based evolutionary algorithm for multiobjective optimisation

8. Multi-objective optimization for location-based and preferences-aware recommendation

9. A recursive algorithm to increase the speed of regression-based binary recommendation systems

10. Local optimality of self-organising neuro-fuzzy inference systems

11. A distributionally robust credibilistic optimization method for the economic-environmental-energy-social sustainability problem

12. A hybrid ant colony optimization algorithm for a multi-objective vehicle routing problem with flexible time windows

13. A two-stage model for period-dependent traffic signal control in a road networked system with stochastic travel demand

14. Quantitative measure of nonconvexity for black-box continuous functions

15. Protein folding optimization using differential evolution extended with local search and component reinitialization

16. Globally-optimal prediction-based adaptive mutation particle swarm optimization

17. TPDE: A tri-population differential evolution based on zonal-constraint stepped division mechanism and multiple adaptive guided mutation strategies

18. Real-parameter constrained optimization using enhanced quality-based cultural algorithm with novel influence and selection schemes

19. A hybridization approach with predicted solution candidates for improving population-based optimization algorithms

20. Sparse reconstruction via the mixture optimization model with iterative support estimate

21. An efficient Balanced Teaching-Learning-Based optimization algorithm with Individual restarting strategy for solving global optimization problems

22. Random generation of capacities and its application in comprehensive decision aiding

23. Dynamic multiobjective optimization driven by inverse reinforcement learning

24. An adaptive fuzzy penalty method for constrained evolutionary optimization

25. A multicriteria group decision-making method based on AIVIFSs, Z-numbers, and trapezium clouds

26. Empirical risk minimization for dominance-based rough set approaches

27. Time-varying output formation-containment control for homogeneous/heterogeneous descriptor fractional-order multi-agent systems

28. New decision-making methods with interval reciprocal preference relations: A new admissible order relation of intervals

29. Evolutionary continuous constrained optimization using random direction repair

30. Arbitrary-term-absent max-product fuzzy relation inequalities and its lexicographic minimal solution

31. Many-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm with Adaptive Reference Vector

32. Dynamics and convergence of hyper-networked evolutionary games with time delay in strategies☆

33. Modeling the dynamics of rumor diffusion over complex networks

34. On the estimation of pareto front and dimensional similarity in many-objective evolutionary algorithm

35. Dynamical behaviors and control measures of rumor-spreading model in consideration of the infected media and time delay

36. Distributed optimization without boundedness of gradients for second-order multi-agent systems over unbalanced network

37. A novel approach of two-stage three-way co-opetition decision for crowdsourcing task allocation scheme

38. MSGP-LASSO: An improved multi-stage genetic programming model for streamflow prediction

39. Optimization-based group decision making using interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy preference relations

40. An empirical study into finding optima in stochastic optimization of neural networks

41. A multi-stage evolutionary algorithm for multi-objective optimization with complex constraints

42. Randomized shortest paths with net flows and capacity constraints

43. Optimizing vehicle routing via Stackelberg game framework and distributionally robust equilibrium optimization method

44. Kriging-assisted teaching-learning-based optimization (KTLBO) to solve computationally expensive constrained problems

45. A novel decomposition-based multiobjective evolutionary algorithm using improved multiple adaptive dynamic selection strategies

46. Optimal improvement of the best and worst consistency levels for interval additive preference relations

47. Leader recommend operators selection strategy for a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition

48. Incremental fuzzy probability decision-theoretic approaches to dynamic three-way approximations

49. Objective function-based rough membership C-means clustering

50. Knee based multimodal multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for decision making