
Showing total 360 results
360 results

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1. Exam paper generation based on performance prediction of student group

2. Surrogate models in evolutionary single-objective optimization: A new taxonomy and experimental study

3. The weighted average multiexperton

4. Differential evolution and sine cosine algorithm based novel hybrid multi-objective approaches for numerical association rule mining

5. A hybrid intelligent model for acute hypotensive episode prediction with large-scale data

6. Consensus of large-scale group decision making in social network: the minimum cost model based on robust optimization

7. Attention-based word embeddings using Artificial Bee Colony algorithm for aspect-level sentiment classification

8. Multiattribute decision method for comprehensive logistics distribution center location selection based on 2-dimensional linguistic information

9. Multi-attributed heterogeneous graph convolutional network for bot detection

10. A survey of evolutionary computation for association rule mining

11. An efficient aggregation scheme resisting on malicious data mining attacks for smart grid

12. Comparative study of interval Type-2 and general Type-2 fuzzy systems in medical diagnosis

13. Code analysis for intelligent cyber systems: A data-driven approach

14. A mixed attributes oriented dynamic SOM fuzzy cluster algorithm for mobile user classification

15. Neighbourhood-based undersampling approach for handling imbalanced and overlapped data

16. KOC+: Kernel ridge regression based one-class classification using privileged information

17. Physical unclonable functions based secret keys scheme for securing big data infrastructure communication

18. Adaptive variable-structure basis function expansions: Candidates for machine learning

19. An evidential analytics for buried information in big data samples: Case study of semiconductor manufacturing

20. Evaluation of statistical and machine learning models for time series prediction: Identifying the state-of-the-art and the best conditions for the use of each model

21. Establishing a software defect prediction model via effective dimension reduction

22. Info2vec: An aggregative representation method in multi-layer and heterogeneous networks

23. Water leak detection using self-supervised time series classification

24. How does rumor spreading affect people inside and outside an institution

25. Privacy-preserving voluntary-tallying leader election for internet of things

26. Exploiting predicted answer in label aggregation to make better use of the crowd wisdom

27. Isolation forests and landmarking-based representations for clustering algorithm recommendation using meta-learning

28. LaPOLeaF: Label propagation in an optimal leading forest

29. Unsupervised attribute reduction for mixed data based on fuzzy rough sets

30. Lower order information preserved network embedding based on non-negative matrix decomposition

31. swFLOW: A large-scale distributed framework for deep learning on Sunway TaihuLight supercomputer

32. A privacy-preserving aggregation scheme based on negative survey for vehicle fuel consumption data

33. A development framework of granular prototypes with an allocation of information granularity

34. Two-stage rule extraction method based on tree ensemble model for interpretable loan evaluation

35. Approximating XGBoost with an interpretable decision tree

36. Twin support vector machines with privileged information

37. Classifier-adaptation knowledge distillation framework for relation extraction and event detection with imbalanced data

38. A novel framework of collaborative early warning for COVID-19 based on blockchain and smart contracts

39. MR-MVPP: A map-reduce-based approach for creating MVPP in data warehouses for big data applications

40. Deep analysis of word sense disambiguation via semi-supervised learning and neural word representations

41. An effective and efficient fuzzy approach for managing natural noise in recommender systems

42. Efficient access methods for very large distributed graph databases

43. TKUS: Mining top-k high utility sequential patterns

44. RGAM: A novel network architecture for 3D point cloud semantic segmentation in indoor scenes

45. Towards an efficient real-time kernel function stream clustering method via shared nearest-neighbor density for the IIoT

46. Real-time and dynamic fault-tolerant scheduling for scientific workflows in clouds

47. A three-way decision methodology to multi-attribute decision-making in multi-scale decision information systems

48. Data-driven floor plan understanding in rural residential buildings via deep recognition

49. A three-way clustering approach for novelty detection

50. An improvement of rough sets’ accuracy measure using containment neighborhoods with a medical application