
Showing total 122 results
122 results

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1. Rediscovering 'brazilianisms'

2. Economic crisis related metaphors: ECONOMIC CRISIS IS NATURAL DISASTER

3. Terminological naming of the world economic crisis in the intertwining of Economics and Medicine

4. Law discourse and images

5. Textual sequences in oral genre: analysis of a university level expositive class

6. Oral genres, argumentation and teaching

7. 3rd person possessives: Old Portuguese and Modern Brazilian Portuguese

8. VOS sentences in European Portuguese: p-movement and intonational structure

9. Language understanding and mother tongue in preparing and training language teachers

10. 18th Century Manuscripts on Portuguese in Timor

11. Noun phrase in Cape Verdean

12. 'Assim, como estas, muitas outras questões interessantes e de actualidade ficarão pairando na dúvida': uma análise de assim como no domínio da junção

13. Considerations on Norm and use of Portuguese Grammar in The Seventeenth Century – Amaro de Roboredo’s Methodo Grammatical Methodo Grammatical para todas as Linguas (1619)

14. Functional discourse grammar and theory of grammaticalization: reviewing the uses of [diski] in Brazilian Portuguese

15. Uma descrição codicológica: documentos setecentistas

16. O Livro de Compromisso entre os manuscritos de Confrarias: potencialidades para o trabalho filológico

17. Textos de escravos no Brasil oitocentista: os tempos de uma ediçãofilológica e de uma antologia comentada de alguns fatos linguísticos

18. A identidade intolerante no discurso separatista

19. O texto mostra a língua, costura e descostura discursos

20. Visões da língua(gem) em comentários sobre internetês não é língua portuguesa

21. A Nova Gramática do Português Contemporâneo. Tradição e modernidade

22. Formação do professor e representações sociais de língua(gem): por uma lingüística implicada

23. Estudo do preenchimento do sujeito de terceira pessoa em falantes nativos e não-nativos de Português do Brasi

24. Oralidade e discurso jornalístico

25. The use of digressions in oral texts

26. Emergence of contrastive junctions in the history of Portuguese: contexts, polysemy and subjectivization

27. The adjectival subordinate clause in the production of meaning in the text: the prospect of Portuguese textbooks in high school

28. 'Where' no interrogative in portuguese spoken in Libolo (Angola) – comparisons with data in Capeverdean from St. Nicholas

29. The concept of crisis and denominations: types and causes of variations in the world economy crisis terminology

30. The 'Recasting capitalism': Terminology study in the French and Spanish newspaper

31. From concept to labelling in economic translation. The case of asset

32. Politeness and verbal language education: reflections on racing comunicativa, interpersonal game and normativity

33. Dealing with orality in the classroom : contributions to language teaching

34. (Portuguese) Language and identity: aspects of Maranhão speech

35. From the radio to the classroom: a rhetorical-conversational analysis of the genre 'spot'

36. The use of commas and prosody of Brazilian Portuguese: analytical- theoretical aspects and didactic implications

37. Fundaments for the study of orality in written language

38. The process of production/adaptation of phonetics and phonology’s didactic material for visual deficient

39. Conversation Analysis and Orality in Written Texts

40. The Theory of Argumentation within Language and its relation to Plato, Saussure and Benveniste

41. Portuguese spoken in Almoxarife, Sao Tome: relative clauses with 'ku' and 'com' [with]

42. Direct discourse and hyposegmentation in children’s writing

43. Subject position and social position: a case of grammar competition in 19th and 20th centuries letters

44. Blending, crossing or lexical fusion in Portuguese: structural patterns and (dis)similitude regarding composition

45. On the concept of 'variant' in lexicon studies from a historic-variational perspective

46. Clitic position and clitic placement in complex predicates: Brazilian Portuguese viewed from two trends

47. Attenuation and courtesy in metaenunciative interventions in conversation

48. The genre tutorial and social networks terminology

49. The Tycho Brahe Corpus: contributions for the digital humanities in Brazil

50. Pronoun clitics and sentential negation in Portuguese: some elements for grammar description