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1. Ṣalāt al-Niṣf min Rajab: A Shīʿī Tradition Preserved on Paper.

2. The Battles of the Umayyads. Remembering War from West to East.

4. Between East and West: The Spoils of the Conquest as "Triggers of Memory" in Umayyad al-Andalus.

5. 'Syria Rises to Receive the Caliph': Umayyad Caliphal Titles from Cordoba to Damascus.

6. The Rhetoric of Caliphal Legitimacy. On the Use ofalqāb by the Umayyad Rulers in the East.

8. Le dossier du Patrice Grégoire dans les sources arabes.

9. Aljamiado-Literatur als Kontaktphänomen. Die Coplas del Alhichante de Puey Monzón im literaturhistorischen Kontext.

10. The Population Size of Muḥammad's Mecca and the Creation of the Quraysh.

13. Kontrafaktische Intertextualität im Koran und die exegetische Tradition des syrischen Christentums.

14. Four Arabic Legal Documents Belonging to ʿAmmār b. Salama b. ʿAbd al-Wārith.

18. Three Unpublished Scrolls Attesting to Pilgrimages to Mecca and Medina (16th century).

20. The Tombs of the Umayyad Rulers at theRawḍa of theAlcázar of Cordoba and Their Symbolic Meaning.

22. Korea und der Islam Handelsgeschichtliche Betrachtungen zum Mittelalter.

24. The Crisis of Religious Identity in Sixteenth Century Central Asia: The Centrality of ʿAlidism in theMaẓhar al-ʿAjāʾib.

25. Early Mosques that have Never Been (Found): Literary Sources Versus Physical Remains.

26. Muḥammad und Cædmon und die Siebenschläferlegende. Zur Verbindung zwischen Palästina und Canterbury im 7. Jahrhundert.

28. "Personal Opinion" in Qurʾānic Exegesis: Medieval Debates and Interpretations ofal-Tafsīr bi-l-Raʾy.

30. Vers une nouvelle méthode de datation du hadith: les invocations à Dieu dans les inscriptions épigraphiques et dans lasunna.

31. Zinā and Gender (In)Equality in Ismāʿīlī Druze Law.

32. The Conquests of Adrianople by the Turks: Reflections on the Ottoman Expansion in Thrace.

33. The Death and Disposal of Sacred Texts.

34. Suicide: A Study of the Tafsīr.

35. Between History and Ancestral Lore: A Literary Approach to the Sīra's Narratives of Political Assassinations.

36. Whence Come Qurʾān Manuscripts? Determining the Regional Provenance of Early Qurʾānic Codices.

38. The Prophet Shaving: Persians and the Origin of the Malay Hikayat Nabi Bercukur.

39. Bibliophilia in Ottoman Aleppo: Muḥammad al-Taqawī and his Medical Library.

40. The Rasūlids and the Bountiful Sea: Marine Resources, State Control, and Maritime Culture in the Southern Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden (626/1229‒854/1454).

41. Treasuring Yemen: Notes on Exchange and Collection in Rasūlid Material Culture.

42. Eunuchs at the Service of Yemen's Rasūlid Dynasty (626‒858/1229‒1454).

48. Descent and Inheritance in Zoroastrian and Shiʿite Law: A Preliminary Study.

49. Erdbeben in arabischen Gedichten der Ayyūbiden- und Mamlūkenzeit.