
Showing total 7 results
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1. Perceived Parental Bonding, Early Maladaptive Schemas and Outcome in Schema Therapy of Cluster C Personality Problems.

2. A Randomized Controlled Trial of IPT Versus CBT in Primary Care: With Some Cautionary Notes About Handling Missing Values in Clinical Trials.

3. Short-Term Cognitive-Behavioural Group Treatment for Hoarding Disorder: A Naturalistic Treatment Outcome Study.

4. Exploring Outcomes Related to Anxiety and Depression in Completers of a Randomized Controlled Trial of Complicated Grief Treatment.

5. Psychological Well-Being and Anticipated Positive Personal Events: Their Relationship to Depression.

6. Treatment of Paranoid Personality Disorder with Cognitive Analytic Therapy: A Mixed Methods Single Case Experimental Design.

7. Cognitive Bibliotherapy for Mild Depressive Symptomatology: Randomized Clinical Trial of Efficacy and Mechanisms of Change.