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1. Three Types of Spatial Function Zoning in Key Ecological Function Areas Based on Ecological and Economic Coordinated Development: A Case Study of Tacheng Basin, China.

2. Spatio-temporal Distribution Characteristics and Environmental Impact Factors of Lung Cancer Mortality: A Case Study of Yuhui District in Bengbu City, China.

3. Performance Evaluation of Urban Comprehensive Carrying Capacity of Harbin, Heilongjiang Province in China.

4. Population Spatial Distribution Based on Luojia 1–01 Nighttime Light Image: A Case Study of Beijing.

5. City Health Examination in China: A Methodology and Empirical Study.

6. Identifying the Geography and Determinants of O2O Online Retailers in Megacity in Central China: A Case Study of Zhengzhou City.

7. Applicability and prospect of China's development zone model in Africa.

8. Spheres of urban influence and factors in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Metropolitan Region based on viewpoint of administrative division adjustment.

9. Urban green space planning based on computational fluid dynamics model and landscape ecology principle: A case study of Liaoyang City, Northeast China.

10. Impact of Urban 3D Morphology on Particulate Matter 2.5 (PM2.5) Concentrations: Case Study of Beijing, China.

11. Spatial-temporal characteristics and factors influencing commuting activities of middle-class residents in Guangzhou City, China.

12. Spatial-temporal Analysis of Daily Air Quality Index in the Yangtze River Delta Region of China During 2014 and 2016.

13. Remote Sensing Data and SLEUTH Urban Growth Model: As Decision Support Tools for Urban Planning.

14. Evaluation of intensive urban land use based on an artificial neural network model: A case study of Nanjing City, China.

15. Measurement and spatio-temporal distribution of urbanization development quality of urban agglomeration in China.

16. Evolution process of urban spatial pattern in Hubei Province based on DMSP/OLS nighttime light data.

17. Evolution of jobs-housing spatial relationship in Beijing Metropolitan Area: A job accessibility perspective.

18. Changing concepts of city and urban planning practices in Guangzhou (1949-2010): An approach to sustainable urban development.

19. Predicting Surface Urban Heat Island in Meihekou City, China: A Combination Method of Monte Carlo and Random Forest.

20. Building Height Trends and Their Influencing Factors under China's Rapid Urbanization: A Case Study of Guangzhou, 1960–2017.

21. Urban Agglomeration Formation and Its Spatiotemporal Expansion Process in China: From the Perspective of Industrial Evolution.

22. Analysis of Metro Station Ridership Considering Spatial Heterogeneity.

23. Effect of Short-term Forest Bathing in Urban Parks on Perceived Anxiety of Young-adults: A Pilot Study in Guiyang, Southwest China.

24. Extraction of basic trends of urban expansion in China over past 40 years from satellite images.

25. Driving mechanism of cultivated land transition in Yantai Proper, Shandong Province, China.

26. A vector-based Cellular Automata model for simulating urban land use change.

27. Assessment of human impacts on vegetation in built-up areas in China based on AVHRR, MODIS and DMSP_OLS nighttime light data, 1992-2010.

28. Urban sprawl and related problems: Bibliometric analysis and refined analysis from 1991 to 2011.

29. Urban construction land suitability evaluation based on improved multi-criteria evaluation based on GIS (MCE-GIS): Case of New Hefei City, China.

30. Non-coordination in China’s urbanization: Assessment and affecting factors.

31. Spatio-temporal patterns of intra-urban land use change in Beijing, China between 1984 and 2008.

32. Changes of residential land density and spatial pattern from 1989 to 2004 in Jinan City, China.

33. Vulnerability of large city and its implication in urban planning: A perspective of intra-urban structure.