
Showing total 34 results
34 results

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1. Air Quality Prediction and Ranking Assessment Based on Bootstrap-XGBoost Algorithm and Ordinal Classification Models.

2. Machine Learning Dynamic Ensemble Methods for Solar Irradiance and Wind Speed Predictions.

3. Prediction of PM 2.5 Concentration Using Spatiotemporal Data with Machine Learning Models.

4. Modeling of Precipitation Prediction Based on Causal Analysis and Machine Learning.

5. PM 2.5 Concentration Forecasting Using Weighted Bi-LSTM and Random Forest Feature Importance-Based Feature Selection.

6. Machine Learning-Aided Remote Monitoring of NOx Emissions from Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicles Based on OBD Data Streams.

7. Estimating FAO Blaney-Criddle b-Factor Using Soft Computing Models.

8. Contribution of Atmospheric Factors in Predicting Sea Surface Temperature in the East China Sea Using the Random Forest and SA-ConvLSTM Model.

9. Prediction of Storm Surge Water Level Based on Machine Learning Methods.

10. Evaluating Drought Effects on Soil: Innovative Soil Salinity Monitoring via SAR Data, Sentinel-2 Imagery, and Machine Learning Algorithms in Kerkennah Archipelago.

11. Interpolation-Based Fusion of Sentinel-5P, SRTM, and Regulatory-Grade Ground Stations Data for Producing Spatially Continuous Maps of PM 2.5 Concentrations Nationwide over Thailand.

12. Data-Driven Wildfire Risk Prediction in Northern California.

13. Estimation of Surface Downward Longwave Radiation and Cloud Base Height Based on Infrared Multichannel Data of Himawari-8.

14. Prediction of Aircraft Go-Around during Wind Shear Using the Dynamic Ensemble Selection Framework and Pilot Reports.

15. Implementing Machine Learning Algorithms to Predict Particulate Matter (PM 2.5): A Case Study in the Paso del Norte Region.

16. A Simple and Effective Random Forest Refit to Map the Spatial Distribution of NO 2 Concentrations.

17. Routes Alternatives with Reduced Emissions: Large-Scale Statistical Analysis of Probe Vehicle Data in Lyon.

18. Estimation of Potential Evapotranspiration in the Yellow River Basin Using Machine Learning Models.

19. Multi-Model Ensemble Prediction of Summer Precipitation in China Based on Machine Learning Algorithms.

20. Using Machine Learning Methods to Forecast Air Quality: A Case Study in Macao.

21. An Improved Air Quality Index Machine Learning-Based Forecasting with Multivariate Data Imputation Approach.

22. A Case Analysis of Dust Weather and Prediction of PM 10 Concentration Based on Machine Learning at the Tibetan Plateau.

23. Predicting Daily PM 2.5 Exposure with Spatially Invariant Accuracy Using Co-Existing Pollutant Concentrations as Predictors.

24. Retrieval of Soil Moisture from FengYun-3D Microwave Radiation Imager Operational and Recalibrated Data Using Random Forest Regression.

25. Significance of Meteorological Feature Selection and Seasonal Variation on Performance and Calibration of a Low-Cost Particle Sensor.

26. ADASYN-LOF Algorithm for Imbalanced Tornado Samples.

27. Classification Prediction of PM 10 Concentration Using a Tree-Based Machine Learning Approach.

28. A Machine-Learning Approach Combining Wavelet Packet Denoising with Catboost for Weather Forecasting.

29. Quantifying the Influence of a Burn Event on Ammonia Concentrations Using a Machine-Learning Technique.

30. Machine Learning-Based Front Detection in Central Europe.

31. Artificial Intelligence-Based Techniques for Rainfall Estimation Integrating Multisource Precipitation Datasets.

32. Tropical Overshooting Cloud-Top Height Retrieval from Himawari-8 Imagery Based on Random Forest Model.

33. Estimating Surface Downward Longwave Radiation Using Machine Learning Methods.

34. The Application of a Decision Tree and Stochastic Forest Model in Summer Precipitation Prediction in Chongqing.