
Showing total 23 results
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1. Characteristic of regional groundwater flow system: case modeling study in Longzici karst spring area, North China.

2. Study on control of dynamic disaster induced by high-level ETHR fracture by ground fracturing.

3. Process evaluation of soil treatment effect in Mu Us sandy land of Daji Khan in northern Shaanxi province based on fuzzy set.

4. Impact of the evolution of Plateau Lake landscape pattern on ecosystem service value in the Pearl River basin: a case study of Yilong Lake Basin in Yunnan Province, China.

5. Identification of volcanic lithofacies using box-counting method calculating fractal dimension of logging data.

6. Pore structure characterization and deliverability prediction of fractured tight glutenite reservoir based on geophysical well logging.

7. Study on groundwater table distribution of loess tableland in the South Jingyang tableland, Northwest China.

8. Effect of landscape restoration on evapotranspiration and water use in the Yellow River Basin, China.

9. An integrated velocity model application in ST area, Dongying Depression, China.

10. Prediction of coalbed methane content based on seismic identification of key geological parameters: a case in a study area, Southern Qinshui Basin.

11. Water abundance evaluation model of unconsolidated confined aquifer considering sedimentary characteristics: a case study in the Su-Lin mining areas, China.

12. Research on landslide hazard assessment in data-deficient areas: a case study of Tumen City, China.

13. An empirical method for predicting waterflooding performance in low-permeability porous reservoirs combining static and dynamic data: a case study in Chang 6 formation, Jingan Oilfield, Ordos Basin, China.

14. Unsaturated soil properties of MICP treated granitic residual soil of Shantou region of China.

15. Experimental study of relationship among acoustic wave, resistivity and fluid saturation in coalbed methane reservoir.

16. Analysis of the effect of seasonal changes on sensitive parameters of LAI-based Penman–Monteith evapotranspiration model based on particle swarm algorithm.

17. Experimental and numerical investigation on runoff reduction and water stress of green roofs with varying soil depth and saturated water content under dry–wet cycles.

18. The variation of free gas distribution within the seeping seafloor hydrate stability zone and its link to hydrate formations in the Qiongdongnan Basin.

19. Predicting gas content in coalbed methane reservoirs using seismic waveform indication inversion: a case study from the Upper Carboniferous Benxi Formation, eastern Ordos Basin, China.

20. Identify runoff generation patterns of check dams and terraces and the effects on runoff: a case study.

21. P-Impedance and Vp/Vs prediction based on AVO inversion scheme with deep feedforward neural network: a case study from tight sandstone reservoir.

22. Applying the Tilt-depth and Tilt-Euler techniques of gravity data to decipher the basement depth in Sichuan Basin, China.

23. Lithology identification technology using BP neural network based on XRF.