
Showing total 305 results
305 results

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1. Juno, the angular momentum of Jupiter and the Lense-Thirring effect

2. The search for a strategy for mankind to survive the solar Red Giant catastrophe

3. The effect of general relativity on hyperbolic orbits and its application to the flyby anomaly

4. Mars Before the Space Age

5. A Four Function Variational Principle for Barotropic Magnetohydrodynamics

6. On the recently determined anomalous perihelion precession of Saturn

7. Driving Currents for Flux Rope Coronal Mass Ejections

8. Solar Forcing of the Streamflow of a Continental Scale South American River

9. Forbush decreases and turbulence levels at CME fronts

10. Influence of global cosmological expansion on local dynamics and kinematics

11. The spatial distribution of polar hydrogen deposits on the Moon

12. Gravitomagnetic effects in Kerr-de Sitter space-time

13. Searching for modifications to the exponential radioactive decay law with the Cassini spacecraft

14. Will it be possible to measure intrinsic gravitomagnetism with Lunar Laser Ranging?

15. On the impact of the atmospheric drag on the LARES mission

16. Putting Yukawa-like Modified Gravity (MOG) on the test in the Solar System

17. Estimating radiative momentum transfer through a thermal analysis of the Pioneer Anomaly

18. Direct measurement of the cross-shock electric potential at low plasma $\beta$, quasi-perpendicular bow shocks

19. An Assessment of the Systematic Uncertainty in Present and Future Tests of the Lense-Thirring Effect with Satellite Laser Ranging

20. Satellite dynamics on the Laplace surface

21. Physics of collisionless phase mixing

22. Placing direct limits on the mass of earth-bound dark matter

23. Advances in the measurement of the Lense-Thirring effect with Satellite Laser Ranging in the gravitational field of the Earth

24. Constraining the cosmological constant and the DGP gravity with the double pulsar PSR J0737-3039

25. A new fast reconnection model in a collisionless regime

26. Coupling convectively driven atmospheric circulation to surface rotation: Evidence for active methane weather in the observed spin rate drift of Titan

27. The impact of the oblateness of Regulus on the motion of its companion

28. Physics of collisionless reconnection in a stressed X-point collapse

29. A study of the Forbush decrease event of September 11, 2005 with GRAND

30. The Pioneer Anomaly

31. Defining planets by a generating function

32. The Anomalous Acceleration of the Pioneer Spacecrafts

33. Advances in the measurement of the Lense-Thirring effect with planetary motions in the field of the Sun

34. Thermal Analysis of the Pioneer Anomaly: A method to estimate radiative momentum transfer

35. Modelling the flyby anomalies using a modification of inertia

36. The Titius-Bode Law Revisited But Not Revived

37. Can the Pioneer anomaly be induced by velocity-dependent forces? Tests in the outer regions of solar system with planetary dynamics

38. Classical and relativistic orbital motions around a mass-varying body

39. A robust correlation between growth rate and amplitude of solar cycles: consequences for prediction methods

40. Gyrokinetic turbulence: a nonlinear route to dissipation through phase space

41. Exact relativistic kinetic theory of an electron beam-plasma system: hierarchy of the competing modes in the system parameter space

42. Eotvos bounds on couplings of fundamental parameters to gravity

43. Neutrino orbital angular momentum in a plasma vortex

44. Comparing various multi-component global heliosphere models

45. Will the recently approved LARES mission be able to measure the Lense-Thirring effect at 1%?

46. Mars and frame-dragging: study for a dedicated mission

47. Magnetic field evolution in relativistic unmagnetized collisionless shocks

48. Solar wind speed theory and the nonextensivity of solar corona

49. Towards a 1% measurement of the Lense-Thirring effect with LARES?

50. Binary Collisions and the Slingshot Effect