
Showing total 3,042 results
3,042 results

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1. Monsanto papers : Désinformation médiatique

3. [Diagnosis and management of interstitial lung disease induced by antibody-drug conjugates in breast cancer: A French expert opinion paper].

4. [Support and guidance in driving for patients with (or suspected of having) Alzheimer's disease or related diseases: position paper].

5. Cahiers d'économie politique / Political Economy Papers n° 83

6. [Implementation of the dematerialization of the patient file in the context of COVID in the ONCORAD radiotherapy units: Transition to "paperless"].

8. In memoriam Francolino Goncalves, O.P. (1943-2017)

9. Medecine et christianisme : Sources et pratiques: Actes du colloque international de Paris, septembre 2016

10. [The insulin receptor discovery is 50 years old - A review of achieved progress].

11. [Therapeutic applications of extracellular vesicles].

12. [Extracellular vesicles-associated biomarkers: Opportunities and challenges in cardiovascular diseases and cancer].

13. Cigarette affordability in Canadian provinces: a 10-year review.

14. [Medical philanthropy in the United States].

15. Informal peer support for rural doctors.

17. In situ clinical education of frontline healthcare providers in under-resourced areas: A rapid review.

18. Le Banquet cérémoniel entre archéologie et ethnologie

19. Dans la peau d'un autre - Tome 1

20. [Digital twins in healthcare: State of the art and potential use cases in a hospital setting].

21. [Oncolytic viruses: Actors and deliverers of therapeutic proteins against tumors].

22. [Stress during prenatal and early postnatal period when everything begins].

23. Techniques de blanchiment et moyens de lutte - 5e éd.

24. Woman's Weekly and Lower Middle-Class Domestic Culture in Britain, 1918-1958 : Making Homemakers

25. Rosa's Very Own Personal Revolution

26. Si tout changeait

27. [Medical consent in the era of personalized medicine: Issues and recommendations].

28. [Non-urgent patients in emergency departments: Prioritisation, orientation, and selection through the prism of social sciences].

29. [Olfaction and respiratory viruses… A relationship revealed by Covid-19].

31. [Historical and philosophical issues in animal experimentation].

32. A comparative systematic scan of COVID-19 health literacy information sources for Canadian university students.

34. [Occupational exposome: An organisational model].

35. [Dual-use research on modified pathogens in the laboratory: What framework for what issue?]

36. [From medical transition to transition to adulthood, a possible conflict of temporality for young people affected with chronic diseases].

37. [Citation misuse and its effects on public health].

38. [Supporting the adolescents with chronic condition during transition: Role of the transition units].

39. Improviser le reste : Études noires, risques poétiques, relationalité décoloniale

40. Comment commencer à faire des opérations de change en ligne : Le guide complet pour devenir trader en partant de zéro. Incluant des stratégies de trading approuvées et facilement reproductibles

41. L'Amérique d'abord, le Canada ensuite : Les relations canado-américaines de Donald Trump à Joe Biden

42. Une nuit en Toscane

43. De l’oral à l’écrit, de l’objet à l’image : Expressions de la reconnaissance dans les francophonies nord-américaines

44. «Regards vers le passé» : mémoires et récits de Rodolphe Lemieux

45. La gestion environnementale des ressources humaines / Repenser les ressources humaines pour répondre aux enjeux de la transition écologique

46. Manuel pratique de terminologie, 4e édition entièrement revue

47. Regards lexiculturels sur la traduction juridique

48. Plonger dans l'épave : Poèmes 1971-1972

49. Les Pionniers irlandais du Québec et de l'Ontario : Fermiers, ouvriers et bûcherons

50. Les Nations fragiles : Ces peuples qui affrontent la modernité