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1. Revelations: Bimellenial papers from the canadian museum of civiliszation. (Comptes Rendus)

3. Papers presented at the annual meeting

5. Papers presented at the annual meeting

6. Papers presented at the annual meeting

7. Papers presented at the annual meeting

8. Papers presented at the annual meeting

9. La question de la confessionnalite scolaire dans la revue catholique Maintenant (1965-1975)

10. The Project of Hegemony: The Canadian Church Engages the Liberal State, 1840s-1890s

11. Veronica Dunne, Canadian RNDM: A Biography in First Voice Placed at the Intersection of Macro and Micro-history and Embedding Multiple Temporalities

12. With the Intention of Victory and Peace: Catholic Devotions and Attitudes toward the First World War in Quebec, 1914-1918

13. Urbi et Orbi: Les revues missionnaires catholiques quebecoises au XXe siecle

14. Etude des representations poetiques de l'exile et de l'etranger: Saint-John Perse et Yvan Goll a la revue catholique La Nouvelle Releve (1941-1948), au coeur des reseaux litteraires et intellectuels francophones de la Seconde Guerre mondiale

15. The Great War Writings of Padre B. J. Murdoch

16. Les elites et la religion populaire. L'education catholique au secondaire quebecois, 1870-1920

17. The Many Rooms of This House: Diversity in Toronto's Places of Worship since 1840

18. Preparing the Quebec Church for Vatican II: missionary lessons from Asia, Africa, and Latin America, 1945-1962

19. Kevin P. Anderson. Not Quite Us: Anti-Catholic Thought in English Canada Since 1900

20. Encountering social change at a time of rapid radicalization of the national Church: The Missionary Oblate Sisters in Brazil

21. Bayanihan and Belonging: Filipinos and Religion in Canada

22. Loin des yeux, pres du coeur! Autorite, distance et pragmatisme chez les Soeurs Missionnaires de Notre-Dame d'Afrique (1869-1894)

23. Strict Neo-Thomism in the Catholic High Schools of the Archdiocese of Toronto, 1940-1960

24. The Canny Scot: Archbishop James Morrison of Antigonish

25. De l'Afrique au Quebec : les reseaux missionnaires comme vecteurs d'integration socio-ecclesiale

26. Le choix de l'ecole catholique de langue francaise en Ontario : mutations du rapport identitaire des Franco-Ontariens au catholicisme

27. Reading the lived experience of Vatican II--words and images: the Canadian Province of the Sisters of Our Lady of Missions in Peru

28. Toronto, The Belfast of Canada: The Orange Order and the Shaping of Municipal Culture

29. Editors' Foreword

30. Religion and Greater Ireland: Christianity and Irish Global Networks, 1750-1950

31. 'To meet more perfectly the wants of our people here:' The Christian Brothers and the process of Anglicization in Ontario, 1850-1925

32. Some thoughts on Catholicism and the secularization question in Quebec: worldly and otherworldly rewards (1960-1970)

33. 'As a bird flies': the writings of Marie Barbier, seventeenth and eighteenth century Montreal woman religious and mystic

34. Piety, purity and pain: Gerard Raymond and the ideal of French Canadian Catholic manhood

35. My Basilian Priesthood, 1961-1967

37. Reflections on John Webster Grant's influence on Catholic historiography in Canada

38. From frontier priest to urban prelate: Father Edmund Burke Kilroy

39. Representations of Japan in the Bulletin de l'Union missionnaire du Clerge: a chapter in the history of Quebec Catholic Missionaries in Asia, 1925-1973

40. Faithful companions of Jesus in the field of education in Brandon, Manitoba, 1883-1895

41. 'In the eyes of the children this was a miracle': sanctity in nineteenth-century Quebec

42. The death of Pere Aulneau, 1736: the development of myth in the Northwest

43. The death of Pere Aulneau, 1736: the development of myth in the Northwest

44. Gender and nationalism: Acadians, Quebecois, and Irish in New Brunswick nineteenth-century colleges and convent schools, 1854-1888

45. Writing the Pacific Northwest into Canadian and U.S. Catholic history: geography, demographics, and regional religion

49. Editors' foreword

50. Editors' foreword