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1. When Practice Meets Policy in Mathematics Education: A 19 Country/Jurisdiction Case Study. OECD Education Working Papers. No. 268

2. How Much Do 15-Year-Olds Learn over One Year of Schooling? An International Comparison Based on PISA. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 257

3. Transmission of Cantonese Opera in School Music Education: A Survey of Hong Kong and Guangdong Music Teachers for Policy Review

4. Science Teachers' Satisfaction: Evidence from the PISA 2015 Teacher Survey. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 168

5. Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity in Physical Education: A Review of Reviews

6. International Perspectives on Education. BCES Conference Books, Volume 10

7. Does ICT Matter? Unfolding the Complex Multilevel Structural Relationship between Technology Use and Academic Achievements in PISA 2015

8. The Comparability of Marking on Screen and on Paper: The Case of Liberal Studies in Hong Kong

9. From Perceptual Dialectology to Perceptual Multilingualism: A Hong Kong Case Study

10. Politics, Textbooks, and the Boundary of 'Official Knowledge': The Case of Liberal Studies in Hong Kong

11. Programme Development. Paper Presentations: Session F.

12. Partnership for Vocational Education and Training. Paper Presentations: Session E.

13. Multi-Sited Understandings: Complicating the Role of Elite Schools in Transnational Class Formation

14. Curriculum Reform and Supporting Structures at Schools: Challenges for Life Skills Planning for Secondary School Students in China (with Particular Reference to Hong Kong)

15. Is Liberal Studies a Political Instrument in the Secondary School Curriculum? Lessons from the Umbrella Movement in Post-Colonial Hong Kong

16. Fifteen-Years-Old Students of Seven East Asian Cities in PISA 2009: A Secondary Analysis

17. Young Chinese Australians' Subjectivities of 'Health' and '(Un)Healthy Bodies'

18. The Development of Local Private Primary and Secondary Schooling in Hong Kong, 1841-2012

19. International Instructional Systems: Social Studies

20. Evaluating PISA Scales across Chinese Economies

21. Teachers' Cultural Differences: Case Studies Of Geography Teachers In Brisbane, Changchun and Hong Kong

22. The Need of Safety-Net Programme for a Mass Education System

23. An Empirical Study of Gender Difference in the Relationship between Self-Concept and Mathematics Achievement

24. The Junior Secondary History Curricula in Hong Kong and Shanghai: A Comparative Study

25. Vocational Education and Training for Life Long Learning in the Information Era. IVETA [International Vocational Education and Training Association] Conference Proceedings (Hong Kong, China, August 6-9, 2000).

26. Keynote Speeches.

27. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

28. Privileged Girls: The Place of Femininity and Femininity in Place

29. Comparison and Contrast of English Language Planning and Policy for Senior Secondary Education between Mainland China and Hong Kong

30. A Search for Rational Nationalistic Education in Hong Kong.

31. Hong Kong Junior Secondary Students' Changing Conceptions of Mainland China

32. National Identity, Patriotism and Studying Politics in Schools: A Case Study in Hong Kong