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1. Two decadal (2003–2022) based trend analysis of aerosol optical depth (AOD) and its impact on cloud properties over a highly polluted region of India.

2. Environmentally responsible disposal and reuse of MSW incineration bottom ash: assessment from two Indian plants.

3. Understanding the role of cross-language transfer of phonological awareness in emergent Hindi–English biliteracy acquisition.

4. An empirical study on facilitators and inhibitors of adoption of mobile banking in India.

5. Water quality assessment of a river using deep learning Bi-LSTM methodology: forecasting and validation.

6. Gendered Well-Being: Cross-Sectional Evidence from Poor Urban Households in India.

7. Gendered Well-Being: Cross-Sectional Evidence from Poor Urban Households in India.

8. Comparative analysis of escalator capacity at metro stations: theory versus practice.

9. Perspective: The unexplored dimensions behind the foam formation in River Yamuna, India.

10. COVID-19 and transportation of India: influence on infection risk and greenhouse gas emissions.

11. Does signaling childcare support on job applications reduce the motherhood penalty?

12. Phylogenetic analysis, molecular characterization and virulence profiling based on toxoflavin gene of an Indian BG1 strain of Burkholderia glumae causing panicle blight of rice.

13. Influence of stubble burning on air quality of Northern India: a case study of Indo-Gangetic plains of India.

14. An assessment of methane emission from the CNG cylinder testing stations in Delhi and its implication for global warming.

15. Coalescing IoT and Wi-Fi technologies for an optimized approach in urban route planning.

16. Computation of Ground Motion Amplification Scenario in NCT Delhi for Earthquake Engineering Purposes and Seismic Microzonation.

17. Effect of COVID-19-induced lockdown on NO2 pollution using TROPOMI and ground-based CPCB observations in Delhi NCR, India.

18. Physicochemical and biological analysis of river Yamuna at Palla station from 2009 to 2019.

19. Temperature-duration-frequency analysis over Delhi and Bengaluru city in India.

20. Short-term impacts of air pollutants in three megacities of India during COVID-19 lockdown.

21. Evaluation of urban transport-environment sustainable indicators during Odd–Even scheme in India.

22. Working in lockdown: the relationship between COVID-19 induced work stressors, job performance, distress, and life satisfaction.

23. Spatio-temporal analysis of land surface temperature for identification of heat wave risk and vulnerability hotspots in Indo-Gangetic Plains of India.

24. Physical Processes Affecting Radiation Fog Based on WRF Simulations and Validation.

25. Assessment of persistent organic pollutants in soil and sediments from an urbanized flood plain area.

26. Factors affecting the vulnerability of female slum youth to HIV/AIDS in Delhi and Hyderabad, India.

27. An integrated stochastic approach for extreme rainfall analysis in the National Capital Region of India.

28. Assessment of Economic Drivers of Land Use Change in Urban Ecosystems of Delhi, India.

29. Should bus commuting be subsidized for providing quality transport services? -- A case for Delhi.

30. Understanding Urban Vehicular Pollution Problem Vis-a-Vis Ambient Air Quality – Case Study of a Megacity (Delhi, India).

31. Environmental Pollution and Control: A Case Study of Delhi Mega City.

32. Understanding the everyday processes of aging in urban Delhi.

33. Paleostress and Fluid Pressure Analysis of Vein Opening Using 3D Mohr Circle from the Quartz Vein Orientation Data of the South Delhi Terrane, Ambaji Area, NW India.

34. A review of the seismicity and seismotectonics of Delhi and adjoining areas.

35. A neural network based methodology to predict site-specific spectral acceleration values.

36. Car Ownership Growth in Delhi.

37. Artificial neural network based carbon monoxide persistence models for episodic urban air quality management.

38. Urban air quality in mega cities: A case study of Delhi City using vulnerability analysis.

39. Air Quality Assessment in Delhi: Before and After CNG as Fuel.

40. On 'Doing' Memory and Self in Different Cultural Contexts.

41. Atmospheric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the urban air of Delhi during 2003.

42. Impact of surface observations on simulation of rainfall over NCR Delhi using regional background error statistics in WRF-3DVAR model.

43. Accumulation and risks of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and trace metals in tropical urban soils.

44. Soil responses near Delhi ridge and adjacent regions in Greater Delhi during incidence of a local earthquake.

45. Analysis of long-term ozone trend over Delhi and its meteorological adjustment.

46. Parallelismic homoplasy of leaf and stipule phenotypes among genetic variants of Pisum sativum and Medicago truncatula and some taxa of Papilionoideae, Caesalpinioideae and Mimosoideae subfamilies of the Leguminosae flora of Delhi.

47. Assessment of carbonaceous aerosol over Delhi in the Indo-Gangetic Basin: characterization, sources and temporal variability.

48. Profile of PAHs in the inhalable particulate fraction: source apportionment and associated health risks in a tropical megacity.

49. Monitoring variation in greenhouse gases concentration in Urban Environment of Delhi.

50. Assessing the resilience of Delhi to climate-related disasters: a comprehensive approach.